Landreform dan gerakan protes petani Klaten, 1959-1965
Sugijanto Padmo |
On land reform and history of peasants' protest movement in Klaten, Indonesia, 1959-1965. |
OL1034174W |
Land, protest, and politics
Gabriel A. Ondetti |
"Analyzes the development of the movement for agrarian reform in Brazil, and attempts to explain the major moments of change in its growth trajectory, from the late 1970s to 2006"--Provided by publis… |
OL11998749W |
El Banco Mundial y la tierra
Mônica Dias Martins |
"Articles analyzing the role of the World Bank in developing nations, with sections on agrarian reform and resistance in Brazil, land reform in Colombia, the peace accord and land in Guatemala, priva… |
OL17342088W |
As ocupações de terra e a produção do direito
Carlos Alberto dos Santos Dutra |
O surgimento do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), responsável, nos dias atuais, por centenas de conflitos na busca pela posse da terra, tem semeado, na esfera do Direito, situações … |
OL1757563W |
Technological change and rural development in poor countries
Cal Clark,K. C. Roy |
Contributed articles. |
OL18180351W |
The transformation of rural Mexico
Wayne A. Cornelius |
p. cm |
OL18306570W |
Dalit agenda and grazing land to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
S. N. Chaudhary |
Contributed articles with reference to people beloging to scheduled caste and tribes of the state of Madhya Pradesh, India, with regard to the rural land use policy of the state government called the… |
OL18575998W |
A questão agrária no Brasil
João Pedro Stédile |
"Programas de reforma agraria, 1946-1960" presents the agrarian reform policy of 15 Brazilian governments, political parties, the Catholic Church, etc. |
OL18771232W |
An essay on the restoration of property
Hilaire Belloc |
"Distributism has been criticized for lacking a concrete plan and coherent program to implement its well-articulated Vision. Alleged evidence of this charge is the fact that the Distribusists, who fo… |
OL2132029W |
One hundred and four horses
Amanda Retzlaff |
As the land invasions gather pace, the Retzlaffs begin an epic journey across Zimbabwe, facing farm eviction after eviction, trying to save the group of animals with whom they feel a deep and endurin… |
OL21377459W |
Left movement and agrarian relations, 1920-1995
P. Gopinadhan Pillai |
On agricultural land reform due to leftist movement in Kerala; also includes socioeconomic profile of peasantry in Kerala; a study. |
OL2311309W |
Tribal agrarian system of Manipur
L. Chinzakham Ngaihte |
Focus on the agrarian relations of the Zomi, an ethnic group living in the southern parts of the hills of Manipur. |
OL2312741W |
Land for the people
Carol Warren,Anton E. Lucas |
"Half of Indonesia's massive population still lives on farms, and for these tens of millions of people the revolutionary promise of land reform remains largely unfulfilled. The Basic Agrarian Law, en… |
OL23283194W |
Labourers and landowners in southern Spain
Juan Martínez Alier |
352 p. 23 cm |
OL2881619W |
Change and continuity in agrarian relations
G. K. Karanth |
Case study of Rajapura, village in Bangalore District. |
OL3217666W |
The end of the peasantry
Anthony W. Pereira |
"Study of emerging rural labor politics in the sugar zone of Pernambuco under military rule shows how popular movements contribute to both democratization and social change. Work is well-researched, … |
OL3347401W |
Políticas sociales, transformación agraria y participación de las mujeres en el campo
Margarita Velázquez Gutiérrez |
"Historical overview describes rural and indigenous women's socioeconomic roles in agrarian sector during four distinct periods: consolidation of agrarian structure (1920-40), growth of agricultural … |
OL4030901W |
Land to the tiller
Ronald J. Herring |
"Land to the Tiller' has long been a rallying cry of radical agrarian movements. The slogan evokes the image of crude red flags in the hands of peasants confronting landlords and police in the classi… |
OL5915959W |