A desordem do trabalho
Jorge Mattoso |
"Compares evolution of 20th-century industrial production and work in the developed world and Brazil. 'Disorder of work' refers to the breakdown of the mass production model and the consequent insec… |
OL1011447W |
Technical change and employment
Roy Rothwell |
ix, 178 p. : 23 cm |
OL131073W |
The Economic Implications of Aging Societies
Steven A Nyce |
The world is getting older and no one knows exactly what life will be like in tomorrow's older societies. But we do know that age dependency ratios - the ratio of retirees to workers - will be much h… |
OL15175382W |
Top 300 careers
JIST Works, Inc |
Explore hundreds of careers, assess your best career fit, and land a job fast with this extensive, authoritative resource. In one time-saving volume, job seekers and students find everything they nee… |
OL16068687W |
Educating for the knowledge economy?
Hugh Lauder,Michael F. D. Young,Harry Daniels,Lowe, John,Maria Balarin |
"The promise, embraced by governments around the world, is that the knowledge economy will provide knowledge workers with a degree of autonomy and permission to think which enables them to be creativ… |
OL16126186W |
Boston and the flight to the sunbelt
Boston Redevelopment Authority |
...the August edition analyzes comparative data on economic and population trends in 30 largest US metropolitan areas; data on income, production, employment, export and import, etc.; divides cities … |
OL16465872W |
Annual planning information report fiscal year .... Boston smsa
Massachusetts. Division of Employment Security |
...contains information regarding the number of persons needing various manpower services during the coming year, demographic and socio-economic data, anticipated labor market conditions and informat… |
OL16731897W |
Grenzenlos vernetzt? Gewerkschaftliche Positionen zur Netzpolitik
Frank Bsirske,Lothar Schröder,Frank Werneke,Dina Bösch,Achim Meerkamp |
Der Kampf um die Ausgestaltung des Internets ist geradezu zwangsläufig ein Thema für Gewerkschaften. Welche heißen Eisen damit angefasst werden, zeigen die Beiträge in diesem Band. |
OL16793937W |
Patterns of economic change by state and area
Mary Meghan Ryan |
"This publication presents data on personal income, employment, and gross domestic product for the United States as a whole, and also by region, state, and metropolitan statistical area (MSA). In add… |
OL17879579W |
Globalización y fuerza laboral en Centroamérica
Juan Pablo Pérez Sáinz |
"Informative study of labor force characteristics, labor relations, and work environment in maquila plants in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Honduras. Based on interviews with managers and workers in fir… |
OL19401778W |
Rise of the Robots
Martin Ford |
Examines the effects of accelerating technology on the economic system.
"In Silicon Valley the phrase "disruptive technology" is tossed around on a casual basis. No one doubts that technology has … |
OL19668878W |
Global labour studies
Marcus Taylor |
"The current globalized economy is able to produce diverse commodities and distribute these across vast distances. However, the workforce which underpins these networks experiences vast inequalities … |
OL19730634W |
Towards a labour market in China
Knight, John |
Introduction: Setting the stage -- Labour policy and progress: overview -- The urban labour market -- Increasing wage inequality -- The spatial behaviour of wages -- Rural migrants in urban enterpris… |
OL19907490W |
Future work
Alison Maitland |
The way we work is overdue for change. Businesses want to increase efficiency and attract the best talent and skills. The new workforce wants a fresh deal. Aided by technology, companies now have the… |
OL19950600W |
Next gen PhD
Melanie V. Sinche |
An upper-level degree is a prized asset in the eyes of many employers, and nonfaculty careers once considered Plan B are now preferred by the majority of science degree holders. Melanie Sinche profil… |
OL20043269W |
The labor force, employment, unemployment, and underemployment in Cuba: 1899-1970
Carmelo Mesa-Lago |
71 p. 22 cm |
OL2126980W |
El mercado de trabajo en el capitalismo periférico
Adriana Marshall |
CAPITALISMO PERIFERICO Crisis y transformación
En las épocas de estabilidad o de bonanza los hombres prácticos pueden dejar de lado todo reflexión acerca de los supuestos teóricos y valorativos… |
OL2236147W |
Evolving corporate education strategies for developing countries
B. PanduRanga Narasimharao,S. Rangappa Kanchugarakoppal,Tukaram U. Fulzele |
"This book presents the theories and abilities of integrating corporate education into traditional universities as well as highlighting the professional development in different subject areas"--Provi… |
OL22639429W |
Bangladesh, selected issues in employment and development
M. Muqtada,Rizwanul Islam |
Selected papers of a seminar to discuss two reports, on economic development of Bangladesh, prepared by the Asian Regional Team for Employment Promotion. |
OL23026085W |
Migration and labour in Europe
Zeybekoğlu, Emrehan and Bo Johansson |
This volume is the result of a workshop organized in Istanbul in April 2002 by the Marmara University Research Center for International Relations (MURCIR) and the Swedish National Institute for Worki… |
OL23894020W |