John Reumann |
In Philippians John Reumann offers both classical approaches and new methods of understanding this New Testament book. With fresh commentary on the social world and rhetorical criticism, and a specia… |
OL16278227W |
The Gospel of Matthew
Craig S. Keener |
This commentary on Matthew offers a unique interpretive approach that focuses on the socio-historical context of the Gospel and the nature of Matthew's exhortation to his first-century Christian audi… |
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The Acts
Charles R. Erdman |
A brief commentary by one of the foremost Evangelical Biblical scholars of his time. |
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Commentary on Exodus
Thomas B. Dozeman |
In this volume Thomas Dozeman presents a fresh translation of the Hebrew text of Exodus along with a careful, critical interpretation of its central themes, literary structure, and history of composi… |
OL2906175W |