Children from Australia to Zimbabwe
Maya Ajmera,Anna Rhesa Versola |
" ... takes its readers on a trip through the alphabet and around the globe. Find out what children do with their families in Mexico, how they dress for festivals in Japan, and what they ride to scho… |
OL20340123W |
Entdecke die Natur in Frühling und Sommer
Bärbel Oftring,Viola Beyer,Claudia Fahlbusch |
Lerne den Frühling und den Sommer kennen: Die Tage werden wieder länger und die Sonne scheint wärmer, ein Zeichen, dass es bald Frühling wird. Doch was bedeutet es, Frühling zu werden? Und wann geht … |
OL27957745W |
Do you see what I see?
Angela Wenzel |
Explores how still-life paintings can look three-dimensional, how open doors can lead nowhere, and how other optical illusions are created in paintings by artists ranging from Raphael to Escher. |
OL5747483W |