The complete guide to relieving cancer pain and suffering
Richard B. Patt,Susan S. Lang |
"Most cancer patients fear unremitting pain more than the prospect of an untimely death, and are surprised to learn that most of the pain and related symptoms of cancer can be successfully addressed … |
OL15835440W |
Nuclear oncology
Cumali Aktolun |
"Nuclear Oncology describes the use of radionuclides in the diagnosis and management of tumors. Both in vivo and in vitro techniques are included. The book was written by an international panel of au… |
OL20678018W |
Hoofd- en halszaken
Ad de Bruine |
Medische informatie, aangevuld met ervaringen van behandelende (para)medici en patiënten. |
OL24990881W |
Samenwerken bij kanker
Martin Appelo |
Instructies voor projectmatige groepstherapeutische hulp bij het omgaan met kanker. |
OL26169644W |
Radiation and human health
John W. Gofman |
There is a very large fund of accumulated knowledge concerning the effects of low doses of radiation on human health. Yet, the information available is not very useful in its crude, unintegrated form… |
OL6336284W |