Breaking the ice
Cecil Harris |
"Since 1958, thirty-eight black men have played in the National Hockey League. Of the more than six hundred players today, fourteen are black. Breaking the Ice: The Black Experience in Professional H… |
OL15835030W |
Kid Dynamite
Ron Smith |
"Gerry James, aka Kid Dynamite, was not only the youngest player ever to play in the CFL at 17, but he was one of the toughest athletes of his time. While playing with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in 19… |
OL18440595W |
C'est la faute à Ovechkin
Luc Gélinas |
Félix, seize ans, fait face à la journée la plus importante de sa vie. En effet, c'est aujourd'hui que la Ligue de hockey junior majeur du Québec procède au repêchage. Malgré son talent indéniable, F… |
OL20941464W |
Don Cherry's Sports Heroes
Don Cherry |
pages cm |
OL21132858W |
Kings of the ice
Andrew Podnieks,Podnieks et al.Andrew |
This book is dedicated to the Heroes of hockey, whose spark has ignited a fire in the hearts of players and fans in North America, Europe and the world. Book jacket. |
OL21182598W |
Le hockey, ses supervedettes, 2013-2014
Paul Romanuk |
Dix-sept mini affiches avec, en regard, des informations succinctes sur les joueurs. Cette documentation sommaire est précédée et suivie de quelques pages à remplir. [SDM]. |
OL21851616W |
Money Players
Bruce Dowbiggin |
Incredibly, the legacy of one-time hockey czar Alan Eagleson still poisons professional hockey. The generation of players that "the Eagle" systematically abused, misled, and defrauded continues to ta… |
OL2299465W |
The game
Ken Dryden |
Widely acknowledged as the best hockey book ever written and lauded by Sports Illustrated as one of the Top 10 Sports Books of All Time, The Game is a reflective and thought-provoking look at a life … |
OL2406616W |
Allstar hockey activity book
Julian Ross,Noah Ross |
"Puzzles, Radical Stats, Soviet Cards, Games, Cartoons" -- Cover. |
OL24167669W |
Fighting back
Chris Nilan |
An autobiography of former NHL player Chris Nilan. |
OL24175914W |
Canadian gold
Andrew Podnieks |
"Canadian Gold celebrates Canada's remarkable double-Gold ice hockey victory in Vancouver, capping the country's greatest Olympics ever."--Page 4 of cover. |
OL24252932W |
Le hockey, ses supervedettes, 2006-2007
Paul Romanuk |
Dix-sept mini-affiches avec, en regard, des informations succinctes sur les joueurs. Cette documentation sommaire est précédée et suivie de quelques pages à remplir. [SDM]. |
OL24279270W |
Les 100 plus grands Québécois du hockey
Rolland Ouellette |
Des minibiographies de quelques pages sur les joueurs qui se sont le plus distingués, par ordre alphabétique. Chacune de celles-ci comprend notamment les faits marquants et des statistiques sur chaqu… |
OL24280182W |
Dan Robson |
A tribute to the larger than life story of a hockey legend. Pat Quinn made a few enemies over the years, but there was no one who didn't respect the tough working-class kid who had fought his way to … |
OL24294359W |
Boum Boum Geoffrion
Bernard Geoffrion |
"Riche en anecdotes, en souvenirs et en photos mm̌orables", cette autobiographie dčrit l'člatante carrir̈e d'une figure marquante de l'histoire du hockey, en plus de relater les prouesses de nombreux… |
OL27960398W |
Le hockey, ses supervedettes, 2012-2013
Paul Romanuk |
Dix-sept mini affiches avec, en regard, des informations succinctes sur les joueurs. Cette documentation sommaire est précédée et suivie de quelques pages à remplir. [SDM]. |
OL27970127W |
LeAnne Hardy |
"Star hockey player Ben Bradley wants to learn to jump and spin while his sister Denise is hoping to go to hockey camp and become the first girl on the Rum River High School varsity team. If the guys… |
OL28591186W |
Elle Kennedy |
Hannah Wells is a student at Briar University where she is attracted to Garrett Graham, another student in her Philosophical Ethics class. If she wants to get her crush's attention, she will have to … |
OL28599939W |
Been there, done that
Steve Ludzik |
Been There, Done That takes you on a journey through the real world of hockey. It follows the career of Steve Ludzik and includes all the characters he has met along the way. Don Cherry is first and … |
OL28607392W |
Le hockey, ses supervedettes, 2002-2003
Paul Romanuk |
Seize mini-affiches avec, en regard, des informations succinctes sur les joueurs. Cette documentation sommaire est précédée et suivie de quelques pages à remplir. [Pierre Vézina]. |
OL28756722W |