Vor Antisemitismus ist man nur noch auf dem Monde sicher
Hannah Arendt |
Spätestens durch ihre Berichterstattung vom Prozess gegen Adolf Eichmann und ihr Buch „Eichmann in Jerusalem“ wurde sie weltbekannt. Doch schon die junge Hannah Arendt war in ihrem politischen Denken… |
OL10460618W |
Das Brandopfer
Albrecht Goes |
Eine Erzählung aus der Zeit der systematischen Verfolgung und Ausmerzung der Juden im Dritten Reich. Ort der Handlung: eine Metzgerei, von der zuständigen Parteidienststelle dazu ausersehen, einmal i… |
OL10477817W |
Everyday life in New Testament times
Alan Coates Bouquet |
“Here is a full and fascinating account of how people lived in the Mediterranean world in the first century of the Christian era. It is a book of history which tells, not of kings and battles and law… |
OL1146277W |
The wonderful world of life
Julian Huxley |
Book about evolution. Full color illustrations. Quote from Charles Darwin on the title page.
page 6 The Fact of Evolution
page 22 The How of Evolution
page 38 The Course of Evolution |
OL1169709W |
Nicholas Winton's lottery of life
Matej Mináč |
Details and pictures of the so called “Czech Kindertransport” which saved 669 children from the Holocaust by Sir Nicholas Winton, the man known as “the British Schindler”. |
OL11804829W |
Die Geschwister Oppermann
Lion Feuchtwanger the devil in France |
**Die Geschwister Oppermann** ist ein Zeitroman von Lion Feuchtwanger aus dem Jahr 1933, der zusammen mit den Romanen Erfolg und Exil zu Feuchtwangers „Wartesaal-Trilogie“ gehört.
Die ersten beide… |
OL1185297W |
The pages In between
Erin Einhorn |
In a unique, intensely moving memoir, Erin Einhorn finds the family in Poland who saved her mother from the Holocaust. But instead of a joyful reunion, Erin unearths a dispute that forces her to navi… |
OL11929214W |
Passport to freedom
Anthony Leonard Laye |
Bracha, a 19-year-old Czech farm girl, throws off the shackles of her austere orthodox Jewish life, and runs away to Antwerp in 1936. Four years later, after a failed love affair, she… |
OL11964722W |
Towers of gold
Frances Dinkelspiel |
Isaias Hellman, a Jewish immigrant, arrived in California in 1859 with little money in his pocket and his brother Herman by his side. By the time he died, he had effectively transformed Los Angeles i… |
OL11967486W |
The Mortal Storm
Phyllis Bottome |
Pre-World War II Ficton. It is rebellious Fraulein Freya Toiler's birthday and she does not want to spend it with her cheeky brothers. She wants to do something special; something exciting and out of… |
OL1203214W |
Strudel stories
Joanne Rocklin |
Seven generations of a Jewish family hear stories of their family history, all told while making apple strudel. |
OL121004W |
Hiding from the Nazis
David A. Adler |
The true story of Lore Baer who as a four-year-old Jewish child was placed with a Christian family in the Dutch farm country to avoid persecution by the Nazis. |
OL121554W |
Under the cover of war
Rosemarie M. Esber |
"Under the Cover of War presents a critical examination of the last six months of the British Palestine mandate, November 1947 to mid-May 1948. Unpublished military and diplomatic sources and new, or… |
OL12437336W |
Uncle Misha's partisans
Yuri Suhl |
During World War II in the Ukraine, an orphaned Jewish boy joins a band of partisans who give him an important assignment against the Nazis. |
OL1245863W |
Children of the Ghetto
Israel Zangwill |
Joodse inwoners van de Londense wijk Whitechapel hebben moeite hun traditionele denkbeelden te verenigen met wat er uit de moderne samenleving op ze afkomt. |
OL1285635W |
Jewish portraits, Indian frames
Jael Miriam Silliman |
With reference to India. |
OL12924612W |
Gauchos judíos
Alberto Gerchunoff |
"Reprint, with minor changes, of the 1955 translation of Gerchunoff's 1910 classic volume about Jewish immigrants in rural Argentina. Twenty-six vignettes, with some inter-related characters, tell st… |
OL1308236W |
The devil's company
David Liss |
From the acclaimed author of The Whiskey Rebels and A Conspiracy of Paper comes a superb new historical thriller set in the splendor and squalor of eighteenth-century London. In Benjamin Weaver, Davi… |
OL13246W |
The Family Moskat
Isaac Bashevis Singer |
Review in the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/books/98/01/25/home/singer-moskat.html |
OL1345096W |
L' aventure séfarade
Béatrice Leroy |
205 pages, 5 unnumbered pages ; 21 cm |
OL13545002W |