Y si no es ahora, cuando?
Marcelo Rittner |
Presents spiritual reflections, thoughts, stories, and ideas intended to inspire readers to realize the immeasurable value of every moment of life, and to encourage them to conduct their lives accord… |
OL10220570W |
God interrupted
Benjamin Lazier |
Could the best thing about religion be the heresies it spawns? Leading intellectuals in interwar Europe thought so. They believed that they lived in a world made derelict by God's absence and the int… |
OL11869256W |
Solomon Maimon
Salomon Maimon |
"Brilliant and bedraggled, the picaresque Jewish philosopher Solomon Maimon was one of the great thinkers of the eighteenth century. Now the definitive English version of Maimon's remarkable Autobiog… |
OL1431221W |
God in search of man
Abraham Joshua Heschel |
xxxviii, 437 p. ; 24 cm |
OL1431474W |
Plato and the Talmud
Jacob Howland |
"This innovative study sees the relationship between Athens and Jerusalem through the lens of the Platonic dialogues and the Talmud. Howland argues that these texts are animated by comparable concept… |
OL15444045W |
Führer der Unschlüssigen
Moses Maimonides |
German translation of "More Nevuchim" (Hebrew), "Guide for the Perplexed" (English), "Dalalat al-ha'irin" (Arabic). |
OL158323W |
Stranger in a Strange Land
George Prochnik |
**Taking his lead from his subject, Gershom Scholem—the 20th century thinker who cracked open Jewish theology and history with a radical reading of Kabbalah—Prochnik combines biography and memoir to … |
OL18146831W |
Moses Maimonides and his time
Eric L. Ormsby |
vii, 180 p. ; 24 cm |
OL18272041W |
The Fence and the Neighbor
Adam Zachary Newton |
"The Fence and the Neighbor traces the contours of two thinkers, Emmanuel Levinas and Yeshayahu Leibowitz, who crossed the divide between Talmud and philosophy "proper." Adam Zachary Newton shows how… |
OL1961046W |
Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt
Paul Wendland,Leopoldus Cohn |
Book digitized by Google from the library of Harvard University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb. |
OL19816387W |
Apokalypse und Politik
Jacob Taubes |
Jacob Taubes war ein Denker zwischen Judentum und westlicher Philosophie, die sich ihm von Parmenides bis Marx und Kierkegaard, Heidegger und Benjamin spannte, »von Ionien bis Jena«, wie er zu sagen … |
OL20077627W |
The Birth of Thought in the Spanish Language
Ilia Galán Díez |
1 online resource |
OL20924858W |
Eliezer Schweid
Hava Tirosh-Samuelson |
"This volume features Eliezer Schweid's philosophy of Judaism for a secular age. The volume brings together four of Schweid's most original and influential philosophical essays and an interview with … |
OL20955640W |
Jonathan Sacks
Hava Tirosh-Samuelson,Aaron W. Hughes |
This volume features the thought and writings of Jonathan Sacks, one of today's leading Jewish public thinkers. It brings together an intellectual portrait, four of his most original and influential … |
OL20956970W |
The value of the particular
Michael Zank,Steven T. Katz,Ingrid L. Anderson,Sarah Leventer |
"In this tribute to Steven T. Katz on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, Michael Zank and Ingrid Anderson present sixteen original essays written by senior and junior scholars in comparative re… |
OL22313861W |
Menachem M. Kellner
Hava Tirosh-Samuelson,Aaron W. Hughes |
"Menachem M. Kellner is an American-born scholar of Jewish philosophy, an educator, and a public intellectual who lives in Israel. For over three decades he taught at the University of Haifa, where h… |
OL22316789W |
Madrikh la-ḥiloni
Aviad M. Kleinberg |
How Not to Believe Without Apologizing |
OL32404782W |
The horizontal society
Jose Faur |
Annotation. |
OL8512759W |
Philo of Alexandria |
I cherubini -- I sacrifici di Abele e di Caino -- Il malvagio tende a sopraffare il buono -- La posterità di Caino -- I giganti --- L'immutabilità di Dio. |
OL962020W |