Talmud and Apocrypha
R. Travers Herford |
Same as 1st edition.
Compares the ethical Rabbinical teachings with the teachings found in the Apocryphical literature. Focuses on the ethical teachings of both literatures. Differentiates between t… |
OL1112677W |
„Jüdische Ethik“ und Anarchismus im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg
Marianne Kröger |
Diese Publikation nimmt Bezug auf das Ende des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs vor 70 Jahren und untersucht Motive und Gründe des freiwilligen Engagements dreier europäischer Intellektueller – Carl Einstein,… |
OL15620101W |
Religious law and ethics
Zeʹev W. Falk |
221 p. ; 24 cm |
OL1576836W |
Justice for all
Jeremiah Unterman |
"Demonstrates how the Jewish Bible radically changed the course of ethical thought and as a result has had enormous influence on later Jewish thought and law, as well as on Christianity and the devel… |
OL20050348W |
When a Jew seeks wisdom
Chaim Stern,Hyman Chanover,Seymour Rossel |
An examination of Jewish tradition and values, using as a basis Pirke Avot, the teachings of rabbis who lived from 300 B.C.E. to 200 C.E. |
OL2101129W |
Relatos i refleksiones
Salamon Bicerano |
389 p. ; 20 cm |
OL3732598W |