Berthold Laufer |
a study in Chinese archaeology and religion. |
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Zhongguo yu qi jian shang
Zhenyu Zhai |
Ben shu tong guo dui 600 jian yu qi wen wu de xiang jie, Yi dian dai mian, Zhan shi zhong guo yu qi de bo da jing shen, Chuan bo zheng que, Ke xue de yu qi zhi shi. |
OL27303008W |
Precolumbian Jade
Frederick W. Lange |
"Monumental work that includes detailed studies of jade from across Central and South America is divided into three parts. Pt. 1 includes eight chapters on geology and minerology; Pt. 2, eight chapte… |
OL4808668W |
Antique jade
Oscar Luzzatto-Bilitz |
This book includes 71 illustrations with accompanying text, providing examples of jade and Jade carvings not only from China but also pre-Columbian America and New Zealand. Featured pieces hail from … |
OL6744596W |