The Arab-Israeli conflict
Richard Worth |
"Outlines the history, origins, and different perspectives of the Arab-Israeli conflict"--Provided by publisher. |
OL15042293W |
Remembering Palestine in 1948
Efrat Ben-Ze'ev |
"The war of 1948 in Palestine is a conflict whose history has been written primarily from the national point of view. This book asks what happens to these narratives when they arise out of the person… |
OL15456547W |
A voice called
Yossi Katz |
What is a hero? Yossi Katz sketches the biographies of his heroes. The men and women in this book stepped up to do what was needed to help the Jewish people and to make the Zionist idea into reality. |
OL15889827W |
Zionism And The Creation Of A New Society
Jehuda Reinharz |
342 pages ; 23 cm |
OL17384771W |
Don Foy |
"This book explores the exciting culture and many festivals that are celebrated in Israel"--Provided by publisher. |
OL17903595W |
Christian attitudes towards the state of Israel
Paul Charles Merkley |
"Paul Merkley draws on interviews with numerous key figures within the government of Israel, spokesmen for the Palestine Authority, and leaders of all the major pro and anti-Zionist Christian organiz… |
OL1855118W |
Angels in the sky
Robert L. Gandt |
"The gripping story of how an all-volunteer air force helped defeat five Arab nations and protect the fledgling Jewish state. In 1948, only three years after the Holocaust, the newly founded nation o… |
OL19721986W |
Yitzhak Rabin
Itamar Rabinovich |
An insider's perspective on the life and influence of Israel's first native-born prime minister, his bold peace initiatives, and his tragic assassination More than two decades have passed since prime… |
OL20052321W |
A State at Any Cost
Haim Watzman,Tom Segev |
sipur ḥayaṿ shel Daṿid Ben-Guryon |
OL20815455W |
Shared Histories
Benjamin Pogrund,Walid Salem |
In 2002, Palestinian and Israeli historians, as well as geographers, journalists, translators, and others, met for a series of discussions in Cyprus and Jerusalem to share their views on what happene… |
OL21406897W |
Mario Ruiz,William J. Rubin,Marv Wolfman |
In graphic novel format, presents 4,000 years of Jewish history culminating in the modern state of Israel. |
OL22418316W |
George Jonas |
This is a detailed chronicle of a team of Mossad hit men dispatched to assassinate 11 Israeli-identified "terrorists" in an "eye-for-an-eye" payback for the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 … |
OL3804076W |
Matai ṿe-ekh humtsa ha-ʻam ha-Yehudi?
Shlomo Sand,José María Amoroto Salido |
"Quand le peuple juif fut-il créé? Est-ce il y a quatre mille ans, ou bien sous la plume d'historiens juifs du XIXe siècle qui ont reconstitué rétrospectivement un peuple imaginé afin de façonner une… |
OL5191911W |
As America has done to Israel
John McTernan |
"Demonstrates how interaction with Israel has brought either blessings or curses on America and what biblical prophecy says about the future of both nations"--Provided by publisher. |
OL634030W |
The Israeli Army
Edward Luttwak |
Written between 1968 and 1973, begun in the aftermath of a great victory and completed at a time of renewed war, this book is an attempt to explain the phenomenon of the Israeli Army. Though loosely … |
OL652675W |
The Iron Wall
Avi Shlaim |
"'Fascinating... Shlaim presents compelling evidence for a revaluation of traditional Israeli history.' --New York Times Book Review. For this newly expanded edition, Avi Shlaim has added four chapte… |
OL703257W |
Jerusalem 1913
Amy Dockser Marcus |
A Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter examines the true history of the discord between Israel and Palestine with surprising results Though the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict have traditionally been… |
OL76947W |