Perspektif 2
M. Noor Azam. |
Issues on sociopolitical conditions and Islam related to social problems in Malaysia in the 21st century; collected articles. |
OL15911025W |
Islam dan transformasi sosial budaya
Fachry Ali |
Islam and social problems in Indonesia ; Islam, social aspects and education ; collection of articles. |
OL23609091W |
Islamic humanism
Lenn Evan Goodman |
"Tracing the course of thought, action, and expression in the golden age of Islamic civilization. Lenn E. Goodman's Islamic Humanism paints a vivid panorama that departs strikingly from the all too f… |
OL2717223W |
Peran agama dalam masyarakat
Choirul Fuad Yusuf |
Perception of Muslims middle class community on Islamic social norms in Bekasi Selatan; research report. |
OL3441984W |
Özü'den Tuna'ya Kazaklar
Yücel Öztürk |
Cossacks; Ukraine; Zaporozhians; history. |
OL5865203W |