Remapping Global Politics
Yale H Ferguson |
This book seeks to redraw our mental maps of global politics and to explain the shifting and accelerating forces that are shaping those maps. The authors build on the concept of 'post-internationalis… |
OL15182116W |
Power in Global Governance
Michael N. Barnett |
This edited volume gathers together international scholars to reconsider the conceptualisation of power in world politics. |
OL19000016W |
The international politics of race
Michael Blanton,Michael Banton |
"In this new book, Michael Banton recounts key events in the international politics of action against racial discrimination in recent decades. He discusses the difficulties in defining race and racis… |
OL20896806W |
Robert D. Kaplan |
Economische, politieke en militaire analyse van de landen rond de Indische Oceaan, die volgens de Amerikaanse journalist in de nabije toekomst de toonaangevende rol van de Verenigde Staten zullen ove… |
OL24642031W |
De wereld draaiend houden
Parag Khanna |
Schets van een nieuwe politieke wereldorde, gebaseerd op de digitale snelweg, het vervagen van grenzen en een wereldwijde mobiliteit van mensen en meningen, |
OL24694130W |
The big three
Robin Edmonds |
Examines the three leaders, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin, who were tempered in peacetime by personal and political adversity for their wartime rules. |
OL2952173W |
The World Is Flat
Thomas L. Friedman |
When scholars write the history of the world twenty years from now, what will they say was the most crucial development at the dawn of the 21st century--the attacks of 9/11, or the convergence of tec… |
OL3740423W |
The Tragedy of Great Power Politics
John J. Mearsheimer |
Explaining his theory of "offensive realism," the University of Chicago professor of political science discusses the methods used by states to ensure their survival through military strength and regi… |
OL4652460W |
World orders, old and new
Noam Chomsky |
**World Orders Old and New** is a book by Noam Chomsky, first published in 1994 and updated in 1996 by Columbia University Press. In the book, Chomsky writes about the international scene since 1945,… |
OL71722W |
Saving strangers
Nicholas J. Wheeler |
"The extent to which humanitarian intervention has become a legitimate practice in post-cold war international society is the subject of this book. It maps the changing legitimacy of humanitarian int… |
OL8011728W |