Profit from Intellectual Property
James L. Rogers,Ron Idra |
Licensing is a multi-billion dollar industry. More people than ever are involved with intellectual property transactions and arrangements in everyday business. Anyone using, selling, transferring, gi… |
OL15173278W |
The law (in plain English) for writers
Leonard D. DuBoff,Leonard Duboff,Bert Krages |
“No writer will want to be without this book.” -Jean M. Auel, author of The Clan of the Cave Bear and other books in The Earth’s Children series.Writing is your passion. Making a living with your wo… |
OL2022098W |
Contemporary intellectual property
Graeme Laurie,Hector MacQueen,Hector L. MacQueen,Charlotte Waelde |
This textbook provides an account of intellectual property law. The underlying policies influencing the direction of the law are explained and explored and contemporary issues facing the discipline a… |
OL2396253W |