Bruce E. Johansen,Bruce Johansen,Roberto Maestas |
A complete and devastating look at the genocide of the remaining native American peoples.
"Within the modern American Indian movement, Wasi'chu (literally, "greedy one") has come to stand for those … |
OL14855053W |
Devil sickness and devil songs
David L. Kozak |
"For the Tohono O'odham (formerly known as the Papago) of southern Arizona, devils are the spirits of deceased O'odham cattlemen and cowboys. The arbiters of wealth and the protectors of horses and c… |
OL14868382W |
Indian voices
Alison Owings |
A contemporary oral history documenting what Native Americans from 16 different tribal nations say about themselves and the world around them. |
OL15975618W |
Florida Indians and the Invasion from Europe
Jerald T. Milanich |
"Based on the best modern historical research on the Timucua and other Florida indigenous groups, work relates their decline and extinction"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58. |
OL1971252W |
The northern Navajo frontier, 1860-1900
Robert S. McPherson |
"Focusing on an important part of the Navajo borderlands - the northern frontier - this book shows how Navajos were able to defend and expand their territory, reservation, and population during a per… |
OL2992454W |
America's second tongue
Ruth Spack |
"Drawing on archival documents, autobiography, fiction, and English as a Second Language theory and practice, America's Second Tongue traces the shifting ownership of English as the language was tran… |
OL3545299W |
Indians, Franciscans, and Spanish colonization
Robert H. Jackson |
"Well-documented study demonstrates that conditions within the California missions caused high mortality rates among the Indians"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58. |
OL551374W |
William W. Fitzhugh |
Collection of papers under the headings: The arctic sector - Inuit responses to explorers, whalers, traders and missionaries; New England - the move inland: land, politics, and disease; The Chesapeak… |
OL5899444W |