That the people might live
Arnold Krupat |
"Surveys the traditions of Native American elegiac expression over several centuries. Krupat covers a variety of oral performances of loss and renewal, including the Condolence Rites of the Iroquois … |
OL16665012W |
Benign Flame
BS Murthy |
The attractions Roopa experienced and the fantasies she entertained as a teen shaped a male imagery that ensconced her subconscious. Insensibly, confident carriage came to be associated with the imag… |
OL16820295W |
Mirror writing
Thomas Claviez,Maria Moss |
PETER BOLZ The Lakota Sun Dance Between 1883 and 1997: The Outlawing and Revival of a Cultural Symbol
KARIN BERNING The Messenger Feast: Myth and Cultural Identity
HANS-ULRICH SANNER Confessions … |
OL18857921W |
American Indian literature
Alan R. Velie |
x, 373 p. : ill., music ; 23 cm |
OL19107299W |
Native American literatures
Kathy J. Whitson |
"This current, affordable title covers Native American poetry, fiction, and prose. It lists more than 300 alphabetically arranged entries, divided into four types: individual authors, individual work… |
OL1995922W |
Reclaiming the vision
James Bruchac |
Reclaiming the vision is largely the result of the Returning the Gift Festival held in Norman, Oklahoma, from July 8-11, 1992, which brought together more than 200 Native writers from all over North … |
OL23002929W |