Another brother
Matthew Cordell |
Davy the sheep wishes he had time alone with his parents, as he did before his twelve brothers came along and started imitating his every move, but when his wish comes true Davy misses playing with t… |
OL15916336W |
Don't Copy Me!
Jonathan Allen |
“Don't copy me!” It's a refrain that's well-known to children, parents, and caregivers. Now it's Little Puffin's turn to say the words as three cheeky gull chicks follow him around, imitating his eve… |
OL17208203W |
Click, Clack, Surprise
Doreen Cronin |
Little Duck learns how to celebrate his birthday with a little help from all the other animals on the farm. |
OL17626502W |
Ingenuidad aprendida
Javier Gomá Lanzón |
Cualquier intento de pensar de forma constructiva sobre estas materias será tachado de ingenuo por la mentalidad postmoderna; este libro persigue una pretensión ingenua, pero su ingenuidad no es aque… |
OL17813615W |
Descubro formas
Silvia Portorrico |
"Para descubrir distintas formas, con coloridas imágenes realzadas con relieves. ¡Tócalas y descubre sus texturas!"--Cover p. [4]. |
OL19708986W |
Copycat bear!
Ellie Sandall |
"Mango the bird has a 'ginormous' bear friend named Blue. To Mango's annoyance, Blue copies everything Mango does. One day, Mango has had enough of Blue's copying and flies off in a huff. But once sh… |
OL19987744W |
Larry Swartz |
A Spanish language reader featuring a story about copying. |
OL20026841W |
Fake (Object Lessons)
Kati Stevens |
The electric candle and faux fur, coffee substitutes and meat analogues, Obama impersonators, prosthetics. Imitation this, false that. Humans have been replacing and improving upon the real thing for… |
OL20145757W |
Turlututu, rien ne va plus!
Sylvie Roberge |
Conte d'Afrique de l'Ouest narrant les tristes origines du lac des Génies et des trois baobabs qui poussent sur ses berges. Un homme pauvre décide, malgré l'interdiction de sa femme et le risque que … |
OL24205678W |
Tout va pour le mieux!
Alain Monnier |
Débordant de certitudes et bardé de diplômes, Benjamin sortd'une grande école de commerce avec tout pour réussir sa vie.Sauf que les lois du marketing ne servent à rien quand il s'agitde séduire Astr… |
OL24856259W |
Super papas!
Joan Holub |
Told in simple rhyming text, hard-working construction vehicle fathers guide and encourage their children. |
OL26183083W |
The great impersonator
Coughlin, Jennifer author |
Follow a little boy who proves that his prowess for animal mimicry is so good, everyone wonders just what wild critters they're living amongst! |
OL27027747W |
Ruby the copycat
Peggy Rathmann |
Ruby insists on copying Angela, until her teacher helps her discover her own creative resources. |
OL2752746W |
Michel Gay |
Album - poupée - terre cuite.
Sélection lab-elle : album attentif aux potentiels féminins et à la représentation des genres. |
OL27689931W |
Petit héros boit sans dégâts
François Barcelo |
Des aquarelles joyeuses exposent le courage qu'il faut pour réaliser les grands exploits des premières années de vie des tout-petits. Le texte manuscrit à la graphie titubante amplifie la maladresse … |
OL28589278W |
Just me
Marie Hall Ets |
A little boy mimes the walk of the animals he sees. |
OL55396W |
Simon says
Bill Morrison |
A group of animals, including a turtle, a giraffe, and a hippopotamus, who decide to play at taking turns imitating each other, find out that they are not all good at the same things. |
OL5594713W |
Me too!
Jamie Harper |
The only time Grace can get away from her little sister, who copies her every move, is when she goes to swimming class. |
OL5852122W |
Clifford Makes a Friend
Norman Bridwell |
Originally published in November 1998, Clifford Makes a Friend is now a Scholastic Reader!
Everyone's favorite Big Red Dog is back again as a part of the new Scholastic Reader series!
The boy see… |
OL73063W |