Little Wen
Ruowen Wang |
Summary: Wen is a little girl who grows up in China, a large country with a long history and traditional values. The world is full of wonders to her fresh eyes, curious mind and strong passion to exp… |
OL12800806W |
Rewriting the Self
Roy Porter |
Rewriting the Self is an exploration of ideas of the self in the western cultural tradition from the Renaissance to the Present. The contributors analyse differing religious, philosophical, psycholog… |
OL15186105W |
Heck, superhero
Martine Leavitt |
Abandoned by his mentally ill mother, thirteen-year-old Heck tries to survive on his own as his mind bounces between the superhero character he imagines himself to be and the harsh reality of his lif… |
OL15854315W |
The end of infinity
Matt Myklusch |
"Ever since Jack Blank learned that he came from the amazing country of the Imagine Nation, he's known that his fate could go down two very different paths--he could either be the greatest hero the w… |
OL16546776W |
The Dark Secret (Wings of Fire #4)
Tui T. Sutherland |
Like all the dragonets of destiny, Starflight has always wanted to see his home -- but he's also been afraid of his fellow NightWings. Starflight doesn't have mindreading powers like his tribe, and h… |
OL17358775W |
Self, social identity, and physical health
Richard D. Ashmore,Richard J. Contrada |
xxiv, 269 p. : ;24 cm |
OL17904183W |
Josin L. McQuein |
The first person to cross the barrier that protects Arclight from the Fade, teenaged Marina has no memory when she is rescued but when one of the Fade infiltrates Arclight, she recognizes it and begi… |
OL18010103W |
The lacuna
Barbara Kingsolver |
"The story of Harrison William Shepherd, a man caught between two worlds -- Mexico and the United States in the 1930s, '40s, and '50s -- and whose search for identity takes readers to the heart of th… |
OL18545102W |
The identity of Zhiqing
Weiyi Wu |
"Outside China, little is known about the process and implications of the Up to the Mountains and Down to the Countryside (UMDC) Movement, a Chinese state policy from 1967 to 1979 in which more than … |
OL20023281W |
Dance of the Jakaranda
Peter Kimani |
Set in the shadow of Kenya's independence from Great Britain, this story reimagines the special circumstances that brought black, brown, and white men together to lay the railroad that heralded the b… |
OL20048098W |
Sun Signs
Shelley Hrdlitschka |
Kaleigh learns the danger of blind faith in an electronic age. |
OL2035579W |
Ugly Duckling
Susanna Davidson,Daniel Postgate |
An ugly duckling spends an unhappy year ostracized by the other animals before growing into a beautiful swan. |
OL21004538W |
Le secret sous ma peau
Janet McNaughton |
En 2368, la démocratie n'existe plus. La pollution a eu raison de l'environnement et les sciences, tenues pour responsables, sont interdites. Ignorant tout de ses parents et de son passé, Blé Sama, u… |
OL22071610W |
Léo Bersani,Christian Marouby |
A travers l'étude notamment de la "queer theory" de M. Foucault et de la psychanalyse, de la politique du sadomasochisme et de l'image du hors-la-loi gay chez Proust, Gide et Genet, l'auteur propose … |
OL22885911W |
Veronica Roth |
"Dans un monde post-apocalyptique, la société est divisée en cinq factions, chacune consacrée au culte d'une vertu dans l'espoir de former un civilisation parfaite : les Altruistes, les Sincères, les… |
OL24157821W |
Qui suis-je?
Barbara J. Neasi |
A girl contemplates the many different roles she plays in her family and community, including daughter, granddaughter, sister, cousin, student, patient, and friend. |
OL24200500W |
L'atlas ne répond plus
Diane Bergeron |
Rien ne va plus pour Jean Delanoix. Un délinquant a pris possession de son corps et est en train de saccager son avenir en cumulant les mauvais coups et les mauvaises fréquentations. Les agissements … |
OL24203612W |
Ça suffit!
Jacques Pasquet |
Lorsque Petit-Loup est né, il était si petit qu'il a été la risée de sa meute. Ne pouvant plus supporter les moqueries des autres loups, il a quitté sa famille et s'est en allé vers le nord. Là-bas, … |
OL24207309W |
Couleurs troubles
Lesley Choyce |
"Né d'un père blanc et d'une mère noire, le jeune Corey subit le racisme à double tranchant qui sévit dans son école." Réf. Sélection de livres pour enfants et adolescents 1998-1999. |
OL24257828W |
J'étais Isabeau
Yvan DeMuy |
Isabeau, quinze ans, est en pleine crise d'adolescence. Fille d'une mère qui se donne à corps perdu dans son bénévolat à l'église et d'un cardiologue qui a refait sa vie avec une femme à peine plus â… |
OL24274392W |