Nuestro amigo el colesterol
Adolfo Pérez Agustí |
"Tras hablar mucho del colesterol bueno y el colesterol malo, las personas han acabado creyéndose que este elemento clave para la vida es nuestro enemigo. Sin embargo, y esto debe quedar claro, sin e… |
OL19734506W |
Cholesterol clarity
Jimmy Moore |
Offers a straightforward introduction to cholesterol, looking at what cholesterol test results mean and offering nutritional advice intended to maintain optimal health. |
OL19986361W |
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Lowering your Cholesterol
Dr. Joseph Lee Klapper |
An easy-to-follow, medically proven plan to lower cholesterol.Cardiologist Joseph Lee Klapper, M.D., gives an in-depth yet accessible explanation of cholesterol levels — and explores ways to lower th… |
OL8987433W |