Bill Williams River field assessment
William L. Jackson |
"The Yuma District requested assistance from the Division of Resources in the analysis and quantification of instream flow needs for the Bill Williams River Riparian Planning Area. This report summar… |
OL19759462W |
Clean Energy Systems in the Subsurface: Production, Storage and Conversion
Michael Z. Hou |
Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, energy security and sustainability are three of the greatest contemporary global challenges today. This year the Sino-German Cooperation Group “Underground Sto… |
OL19834837W |
Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas
Hermes Farfán González |
Natural ecosystems are heavily dependent on water, as it is essential to the development of life. The ecology and landscape play an important role in the quality and availability of water. It is no c… |
OL19885427W |
Hydrogeology Field Manual
Willis D. Weight |
Dramatically Improve Your Hydrogeology Field Skillsand Master New Advances in Groundwater ScienceThe Second Edition of Hydrogeology Field Manual provides the latest information on applied application… |
OL7911556W |