Die fragile Grossmacht
Walter Rauscher |
"Der Grossmachtstatus der Donaumonarchie stand nach der Niederlage bei Königgrätz mehr denn je in Frage. Das Habsburgerreich musste sich aussenpolitisch neu orientieren. Das Bestreben, die Nachbarn i… |
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A short course in the secret war
Christopher Felix |
"Based in part upon the author's sixteen years of U.S. intelligence work and his own Cold War experiences in Hungary after World War II, this now classic insider's look at international intelligence … |
OL4123410W |
The remote borderland
Kürti, László. |
"The Remote Borderland explores the significance of the contested region of Transylvania to the creation of Hungarian national identity. Author Laszlo Kurti illustrates the process by which European … |
OL6210129W |