Many voices
Virginia Knowlden,Kathryn Hopkins Kavanagh |
Many Voices explores the relationships and the tensions at the intersection of caring in the context of health, and culture. As the social voices of diverse groups are increasingly acknowledged in he… |
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L'éthique du care
Fabienne Brugère |
Le care est un concept jeune, mis au point dans les années 1980 aux Etats-Unis. Il est d'abord une éthique : à visage humain, contextuelle et renouvelée dans l'approche de la raison et des sentiments… |
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Que signifie-- être attentionné
Anne Langdon |
Ce livre permet de comprendre la notion ainsi que les règles entourant l'attention portée aux autres, les sentiments des autres, le partage ainsi que l'entraide avec les autres. |
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José Campanari |
After Juan, the youngest, comments about bringing food to school to donate to refugees, a group of cousins who are staying with their grandmother talk about what they know--or think they know--about … |
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What does death look like?
Donalyn A. Gross |
What is Death? Is it a person, a place, a feeling? Is it good or bad? Is there a tunnel that we travel through and "go toward the light"? Do children think about Death differently than adults? Is Dea… |
OL28945939W |