Floods, famines, and emperors
Brian M. Fagan |
Civilisations have long been dictated by cycles of rise and fall. The author shows beautifully how El Nino gave rise to human civilisation and continually shape and alter their fates, and how human a… |
OL103265W |
De hominis dignitate
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola,Patricia Mari-Fabre |
The Oration on the Dignity of Man (De hominis dignitate) is a famous public discourse pronounced in 1486 by Pico della Mirandola, an Italian scholar and philosopher of the Renaissance. It has been ca… |
OL1456989W |
Human natures
Paul R. Ehrlich |
"A hallmark of Human Natures in Paul Ehrlich's ability to convey lucidly that understanding in the course of presenting an engrossing history of our species. Using personal anecdote, vivid example, a… |
OL15831241W |
Mapping human history
Steve Olson |
Mapping Human History is a comprehensive guide to the evolution of humans. The book is carefully chaptered into specific sections which focus on explaining both the geographical causes of human evolu… |
OL15831919W |
Before the dawn
Nicholas Wade |
Nicholas Wade's articles are a major reason why the science section has become the most popular, nationwide, in the New York Times. In his groundbreaking Before the Dawn, Wade reveals humanity's orig… |
OL15841693W |
Masters of the planet
Ian Tattersall |
"When homo sapiens made their entrance 100,000 years ago they were confronted by a wide range of other early humans--homo erectus, who walked better and used fire; homo habilis who used tools; and of… |
OL16184024W |
Man adapting
René J. Dubos |
"The dominant theme of the present book is that the states of health or diease are the expression of the success or failure experienced by the organism in its efforts to respond adaptively to environ… |
OL1846351W |
The Singularity Is Near
Ray Kurzweil |
For over three decades, Ray Kurzweil has been one of the most respected and provocative advocates of the role of technology in our future. In his classic The Age of Spiritual Machines, he argued that… |
OL1958850W |
The one hundred nights of hero
Isabel Greenberg |
"From the author who brought you The Encyclopedia of Early Earth comes another Epic Tale of Derring-do. Prepare to be dazzled once more by the overwhelming power of stories and see love prevail in t… |
OL20043149W |
Multiple stresses in ecosystems
Joseph J. Cech, Jr.,Donald G. Crosby |
"Recently, researchers and scientists have made significant advances toward better detection, evaluation, and understanding of the complex interactions of toxicants in environmental settings. Using i… |
OL20141664W |
Isabelle Ramade-Masson |
Chaque titre de la collection s'ouvre sur un extrait de la charte de l'environnement adoptée au Parlement en 2004, qui confère aux enjeux environnementaux une valeur institutionnelle. Chaque thématiq… |
OL24209160W |
De la forêt vierge aux grandes cités
Jennifer Cochrane |
De la construction de la hutte à l'édification d'une ville, un historique des inventions et des découvertes qui ont, au cours des siècles, révolutionné la vie de l'homme et son environnement. Le lect… |
OL24259929W |
Ma dernière conférence
David Suzuki |
Imaginons un instant que David Suzuki ait voulu résumer sa pensée et son action dans une seule et ultime conférence. C'est exactement ce qu'il a fait en décembre 2009, et c'est cette conférence qui a… |
OL24283970W |
David Suzuki |
David Suzuki nous guide dans la découverte de notre environnement et nous montre le rôle important que nous jouons dans la nature. Plein de faits renversants, de projets excitants et d'expériences sc… |
OL24739235W |
Manières d'être vivant
Baptiste Morizot |
Édition française originale |
OL25319132W |
Plundering Paradise
Michael D'Orso |
"Mention the Galapagos Islands to almost anyone, and the first things that come to mind are iguanas, tortoises, volcanic beaches, and, of course, Charles Darwin. That's what Michael D'Orso imagined w… |
OL2792498W |
L'équilibre sacré
David T. Suzuki |
L'environnementaliste canadien D. Suzuki met à la portée de tous les conclusions de la science concernant l'état de la planète et donne au débat une dimension spirituelle, invitant à une réflexion ap… |
OL28587559W |
Ecolo en herbe pour une planète au top
Élise Rousseau |
Des explications et des conseils pour comprendre la protection de l'environnement et agir de façon la plus écologique possible : la déforestation, la pollution de la mer, comment fabriquer des insect… |
OL28962357W |
Man's quest for autonomy
Rodnick, David |
ix, 365 pages 24 cm |
OL6575444W |
Reinventing Eden
Caroly Merchant |
"Reinventing Eden traces the Garden of Eden myth from the Mesopotamian regions where agriculture - and the creation myth - first began, through the Greek and Roman empires, the Enlightenment, and the… |
OL8103789W |