The divide
Michael Bédard |
Unhappy when her family firstmoves out to the plains of Nebraska, the young Willa Cather comes to appreciate the beauty of her new home. |
OL11287008W |
The barn burner
Patricia Willis |
In 1933 while running from a bad situation at home and suspected of having set fire to a barn, fourteen-year-old Ross finds haven with a loving family which helps him make an important decision. |
OL116169W |
House lust
Daniel F McGinn |
In House Lust, Newsweek's Daniel McGinn travels the country to explore the roots of this mania. Even as the real estate boom has turned to bust, Americans remain obsessed with houses--many of us are … |
OL12103618W |
The unbounded home
Lee Anne Fennell |
The Unbounded Home grapples with a core modern reality — that the value and meaning of a home extend beyond its property lines to schools, shops, parks, services, neighbors, neighborhood aesthetics, … |
OL13317438W |
A compromise
Nancy E. Haigh |
A Compromise, is a collection of original poems, presented in various poetic shapes and structures, including: Concrete, Four Word, Haiku, Limerick, Pantoum, Quatrain variations, Rondeau, Double Rond… |
OL13392034W |
Ned's new home
Kevin Tseng |
A worm tries out a variety of new homes when the apple he has been living in starts to rot, but none--from a lemon to a watermelon--is satisfactory. |
OL13623383W |
A home album
Peter Roop |
Text, photographs, and illustrations identify and trace patterns of continuity and change in homes and home life in the United States, including such topics as types of homes, house work, playing, ba… |
OL15022690W |
Wing nut
Mary Jane Auch |
When twelve-year-old Grady and his mother relocate yet again, they find work taking care of an elderly man, who teaches Grady about cars, birds, and what it means to have a home. |
OL15043373W |
Felix takes the stage
Kathryn Lasky |
Having been discovered, a family of poisonous but friendly brown recluse spiders must flee their cozy home in a symphony hall and go searching for a new place to live. |
OL15071131W |
A Wind in the willows Christmas
Kenneth Grahame |
With the help of his good friend Rat, Mole returns to his old home and shares a wonderful Christmas celebration with former friends. |
OL15327584W |
Bear at home =
Stella Blackstone |
Find the house key and take a tour of Bear's house to see the kitchen, dining room, playroom, living room, study, bathroom, and bedroom. |
OL15615988W |
Where is Gola's Home?
Chitra Soundar,Chitra Soundar. |
At one time, yaks had no home of their own. But Gola the yak wants a home — where he will have food to eat, water to drink and be happy. His friend Muri the eagle takes him to the sea, the forest, th… |
OL15845930W |
Home sweet home
Nancy Parent |
"Kanga shows Roo that his home is truly the best home of all"--P. [4] cover. |
OL16026017W |
Home to me
Stephen Alcorn,Lee Bennett Hopkins |
A collection of fifteen poems by various authors about home, whether it is on a boat, in a trailer park, on a reservation, or in a small town. |
OL16051256W |
Spot's little book of fun at home
Eric Hill |
"Have fun with Spot as he plays at home in this little book full of surprises!" |
OL16054936W |
Through the children's gate
Adam Gopnik |
Following Gopnik's Paris to the Moon, the adventure continues against the panorama of another storied city. Autumn, 2000: the Gopnik family moves back to a New York that seems, at first, safer and sh… |
OL16064121W |
House of stone
Anthony Shadid |
"In 2006, Shadid, an Arab-American raised in Oklahoma, was covering Israel's attack on Lebanon when he heard that an Israeli rocket had crashed into the house his great-grandfather built, his family'… |
OL16176084W |
Goyangi means cat
Christine McDonnell |
An understanding cat helps a young Korean girl adjust to her new home in America. |
OL16211699W |
The Wind in the Willows
Kenneth Grahame |
The adventures of four amiable animals, Rat, Toad, Mole and Badger, along a river in the English countryside. |
OL16312108W |
A place to call home
Alexis Deacon |
Seven hamster brothers, having outgrown their hole, begin an adventure-filled quest that takes them across seas and deserts, up a mountain, and through a labyrinth as they seek a new home. |
OL16358618W |