The pages In between
Erin Einhorn |
In a unique, intensely moving memoir, Erin Einhorn finds the family in Poland who saved her mother from the Holocaust. But instead of a joyful reunion, Erin unearths a dispute that forces her to navi… |
OL11929214W |
Paul-Henri Rips |
The son of a diamond merchant in Antwerp's famous diamond exchange, Paul Henri Rips was ten years old when the Nazis invaded Belgium in May 1940 and ended what he calls his "golden childhood: forever. |
OL17915531W |
From protest to resistance
Lilli Segal |
This book recounts the author's courageous life journey growing up during the buildup of Fascism and anti-Jewish sentiment in Germany, through the German invasion of France, her work with the French … |
OL19964489W |
Claude Lanzmann |
Shoah is not an easy film to talk about. There is a magic in this film that defies explanation. After the war we read masses of accounts of the ghettos and the extermination camps, and we were devast… |
OL2229095W |
Lever de rideau sur Terezin
Christophe Lambert |
Depuis les premières lois anti-Juifs du régime de Vichy, le dramaturge à succès Victor Steiner se terre dans un petit appartement parisien. Mais un soir, la passion du théâtre est la plus forte : il … |
OL24281858W |
"Nous ne savions pas"
Peter Longerich |
Que savaient les Allemands de l'Holocauste? Quelle représentation de la propagande antijuive le régime nazi donnait-il à la population allemande et quelles informations filtraient hors des camps? Cet… |
OL24289187W |
Auschwitz escape
Klara Wizel |
"Klara Wizel is full of life at sixteen years old. But a horrific chain of events puts her in one of the most terrifying places imaginable: Auschwitz-Birkenau. There she comes face to face with one o… |
OL27957861W |
L'Or nazi
Tom Bower |
Tente de faire la lumière sur la complicité au plus haut niveau politique et sur les réseaux d'intérêts tissés entre la Suisse et le IIIe Reich dans le pillage et le recel des biens juifs et des pays… |
OL27959551W |
In the face of evil
Tema N. Merback |
"A timeless story of the upheavals of war, the tenacious endurance of love and the resilience of the human spirit. It is an epic journey through the nightmare of the Holocaust - the single most defin… |
OL28594792W |
...And yet they learned
Jacqueline Silver |
"This book details clandestine efforts to provide education to beleaguered Jewish children under Nazi occupied areas of Europe and North Africa between 1933-1945. Included are efforts made in Germany… |
OL28956153W |
We remember the Holocaust
David A. Adler |
Discusses the events of the Holocaust and includes personal accounts from survivors of their experiences of the persecution and the death camps. |
OL29256515W |
Menschen in Auschwitz
Hermann Langbein |
Nahezu emotionslos und darum mit um so eindrücklicherer Sachlichkeit dokumentiert Hermann Langbein mit den Aussagen von Opfern und Tätern den Alltag in Auschwitz. Bei seinen Protokollen hat er sich v… |
OL3282130W |
The Nazi Conscience
Claudia Koonz |
The Nazi conscience is not an oxymoron. In fact, the perpetrators of genocide had a powerful sense of right and wrong, based on civic values that exalted the moral righteousness of the ethnic communi… |
OL5265263W |