A double dying
Rosenfeld, Alvin H |
Bibliography: p. 200-210. |
OL13378418W |
Encyclopedia of Holocaust literature
David Patterson,Alan L. Berger |
"This encyclopedia presents the lives and works of 128 writers whose contributions lend significant first-generation understanding to the Holocaust. Arranged by author, entries provide a biographical… |
OL18169130W |
Holocaust literature
S. Lillian Kremer |
"This encyclopedia offers an authoritative and comprehensive survey of the important writers and works that form the literature about the Holocaust and its consequences. The collection is alphabetica… |
OL18269516W |
Celebrating Elie Wiesel
Elie Wiesel,Rosen, Alan |
xxvi, 344 pages ; 24 cm |
OL19497897W |
The Holocaust and the postmodern
Robert Eaglestone |
Reading and the holocaust: 'Not read and consumed in the same way as other books' : identification and the genre of testimony ; Traces of experience : the texts of testimony ; 'Faithful and doubtful,… |
OL19855721W |
Landscapes of the metropolis of death
Otto Dov Kulka |
"Otto Dov Kulka's memoir of a childhood spent in Auschwitz is a literary feat of astounding emotional power, exploring the permanent and indelible marks left by the Holocaust... As a child, the disti… |
OL19966143W |
Literature of the Holocaust
Rosen, Alan |
"During and in the aftermath of the dark period of the Holocaust, writers across Europe and America sought to express their feelings and experiences through their writings. This book provides a compr… |
OL20023296W |
Third-Generation Holocaust Representation
Victoria Aarons,Alan L. Berger |
Victoria Aarons and Alan L. Berger show that Holocaust literary representation has continued to flourish—gaining increased momentum even as its perspective shifts, as a third generation adds its voic… |
OL20216805W |
A Life in Pieces
Blake Eskin |
"In 1997, Binjamin Wilkomirski arrived in New York to read from his prize-winning book Fragments: Memories of a Wartime Childhood, his memoir of an early childhood lost to the concentration camps at … |
OL2691850W |
Etched in my memory
Miriam M. Brysk |
"Etched in My Memory: Reflections of a Holocaust Survivor, contains 35 reflections and 19 pieces of [Brysk's] art work spanning the years from prewar Warsaw, the ghettos and the ghetto slaughters, th… |
OL29241881W |
Poetry after Auschwitz
Susan Gubar |
"In this study Susan Gubar demonstrates that Theodor Adorno's famous injunction against writing poetry after Auschwitz paradoxically inspired an ongoing literary tradition. From the 1960s to the pres… |
OL38940W |
Out of the whirlwind
Albert H. Friedlander |
An anthology with excerpts from major works drawn from diaries, essays, and other literary works. |
OL3939208W |
The terror of our days
Harriet L. Parmet |
"The Holocaust remains incomprehensible to the world at large and without a compelling claim on most people's lives. By contrast the term "Holocaust" occupies a central place in Jewish vocabulary, an… |
OL7798286W |
Authentisches Medium
Sigrid Lange |
Authentizität ist in der von Medien dominierten Gesellschaft zu einem ambivalenten Kriterium geworden, will man die Relation einer medialen Präsentation zu ihrem Gegenstand bestimmen. Die Eigenart de… |
OL858921W |