The histories, with an English translation by W.R. Paton
Polybius |
Greek with facing English translation |
OL10720152W |
The world to 1500
Leften Stavros Stavrianos |
399 p. : 23 cm |
OL114467W |
Life of Josephus
Flavius Josephus |
Refocusing our attention from the personal character and psychological motives of Josephus (which we cannot know) to the work itself (which is before us), Steve Mason brings this narrative to life in… |
OL137601W |
Herodotus |
One of the earliest histories of the western world still extant, this gives a contemporary account of the Greco-Persian wars of the fifth century BCE with the rise of the Achaemenid Empire under Cyru… |
OL15678068W |
Wonders of the ancient world
Therese DeAngelis |
In text and photographs, describes twenty-five ancient architectural wonders, including the Great Wall of China, the Kukulcán Pyramid in Mexico, and the Avenue of Lions in Greece. Archaeological marv… |
OL15841150W |
The story of the world
S. Wise Bauer |
A guide to ancient times, discussing events, people, and practices around the world, from the first nomads to the fall of the Roman empire. |
OL1840354W |
The story of the world, history for the classical child
S. Wise Bauer,Susan Wise Bauer |
Chronological history of the Middle Ages covering Africa, the Americas, Europe, and the Far East from 400 A.E. to 1600 A.D |
OL1840364W |
Rome and the ancient world
Mike Corbishley |
Explores the history of the Roman Empire and the world outside the Empire, including ancient China, ancient India, and the empires of Africa. |
OL1853283W |
Centuries of Darkness
James, Peter |
The authors of this text, originally published in England in 1991, are young scholars who present no less than a "chronological revolution." After tracing the development of Old World chronology, Jam… |
OL1884495W |
1001 Days That Shaped the World
Peter Furtado |
960 p. : 22 cm |
OL19339342W |
Greatest Prehistoric Sites of the World
Barry Stone |
240 pages : 20 cm |
OL21149127W |
Ancient times
James Henry Breasted |
Volume commemorating 61st birthday anniversary of Naritsarānuwattiwong, Prince, son of Mongkut, King of Siam, 1863-1947. |
OL2839349W |
Letters from a father to his daughter
Jawaharlal Nehru |
Nehruji has described in simple language the history of civilization. It answers a child's question that where do we come from? Who were our ancestors? How the languages originated? How religion star… |
OL296153W |