Santa calls
William Joyce |
Art Aimesworth receives a mysterious summons from Santa Claus and he shares a Christmas adventure with his sister that brings them closer together. |
OL14427W |
Farolitos of Christmas
Rudolfo A. Anaya |
With her father away fighting in World War II and her grandfather too sick to create the traditional luminaria, Luz helps create farolitos, little lanterns, for their Christmas celebration instead. |
OL152065W |
A gingerbread Christmas
Tim Raglin |
At Santa's request the Prince and Princess of Gingerbread embark on a mission to bring Christmas back to Gloomsbury. |
OL15930490W |
The Story Of The Nativity
Anna Milbourne |
Le traditionnel récit de la Nativité, narré dans une langue simple et illustré de lumineux pastels réalistes. La couverture est ornée de feuilles dorées scintillantes. [SDM]. |
OL17386208W |
A Christmas Caress
Evelyn Rogers,Sonya T. Pelton,Jo Goodman,Christine Dorsey,Katharine Kincaid,Terri Valentine |
SEA OF MIRACLES by Christine Dorsey — Margaret Lewis believes that desperate times call for desperate measures. So when she learns that Scrooge-like businessman Thomas Blackstone is going to foreclos… |
OL18192075W |
Noelle of the Nutcracker
Pamela Jane |
At Christmas time a beautiful ballerina doll who longs to dance is discovered in a toy store and coveted by two little girls: Ilyana, who wants to love her, and Mary Jane, who doesn't want Ilyana to … |
OL1828661W |
Jingle bells
Nick Butterworth |
After Angus the cat spoils their Christmas, two mice named Lottie and Jack contrive a plan to keep out of Angus's way. |
OL1863660W |
Do not open until Christmas
Jean Little |
Collects twelve stories in which children learn to enjoy Christmas despite their less than perfect family situations. |
OL19987100W |
The Mistletoe Murder
P. D. James |
"As the acknowledged "Queen of Crime," P. D. James was frequently commissioned by newspapers and magazines to write a special short story for Christmas. Four of the best have been collected together … |
OL20036173W |
Le fantôme de Noël
Catherine R. Daly |
Titre qui s'insère dans une collection de romans tissant une intrigue d'épouvante sur fond de tranches de vie de fillettes contemporaines américaines. Sous ce titre: Florence se fait une joie de pren… |
OL21191329W |
Ross Shideler |
When a young stable boy informs King Herod that a new and greater King is born, Herod rides to Bethlehem in anger, only to be frightened away by the star. |
OL22587722W |
Le père Noël a la varicelle
Andrée-Anne Gratton |
Joël, tout excité à l'idée d'aller rencontrer le père Noël, ne dit pas à sa maman qu'il se sent fiévreux et que beaucoup de ses copains ont attrapé la varicelle. Il s'asseoit donc sur les genoux du l… |
OL24419313W |
Je veux un vieux Noël!
Irène Cohen-Janca |
Noël va arriver et Théo est très excité à l'idée d'acheter un sapin de Noël et de le décorer avec son petit frère Arthur. Mais cette année leur mère a décidé de lutter contre la destruction des forêt… |
OL24441742W |
Le cadeau oublié
Angèle Delaunois |
Une collection réunissant des auteurs et illustrateurs chevronnés dans le domaine de la littérature de jeunesse afin d'accompagner les enfants du premier cycle du primaire dans leur apprentissage de … |
OL24712536W |
Le Noël d'ourson
Justine Fontes |
Petit ourson ne veut pas dormir, il veut connaître ce que c'est l'hiver. Un jour, il voit une maison et regarde les humains par la fenêtre. Petit ourson veut tout savoir sur l'hiver. Il rencontre un … |
OL24753509W |
L'arbre de joie
Alain M. Bergeron |
In the Tree of Joy, lights are turned on only for special circumstances. People who have good heart and a couple of dollars and take a pledge card to buy a present for that child for Christmas. Will … |
OL24837802W |
Le père Noël est une ordure
Gérard Jugnot,Josiane Balasko |
A la permanence de Détresse-Amitié, la nuit de Noël, Pierre Mortez et Thérèse répondent aux appels téléphoniques des désespérés ... Un travesti malheureux, une douce idiote enceinte jusqu'aux yeux, u… |
OL26281320W |
Fairy Christmas, darling
Christine Arness |
It's not every day a guy gets a chance to go from feeling like a zero to being a hero by saving a little girl's Christmas! Delaney struggles with her daughter's worsening eyesight and their failing f… |
OL27734312W |
Santa is coming to the Carolinas
Steve Smallman |
It's Christmas Eve, Have you been good? Santa's packed up all the presents and is headed your way! With the help of a certain red-nosed reindeer, Santa flies over the Bank of America building, Hearst… |
OL27739029W |
The virtues of Christmas
Grace Burrowes |
Respect for Christmas features Henrietta Whitlow, who's leaving behind the life of a very successful courtesan in hopes of making peace with her family in the shires. Michael Brenner's family all but… |
OL27959016W |