Suman Olivelle,Manu (Lawgiver).,Patrick Olivelle |
Classical work, with commentaries, on Hindu law. |
OL10714867W |
Manu |
The Laws of Manu: a critical edition of the Sanskrit text. Sometimes also called the Manu-smrti. |
OL1767202W |
Yājñavalkya smr̥ti kā samīkshātmaka adhyayana
Guptā, Ūshā Dr. |
Critical study of Yājñavalkyasmr̥ti, classical work on ancient Hindu law. |
OL2323408W |
Manu (Lawgiver) |
Classical work on Hindu law; critical edition with explanation and notes. |
OL313598W |
Patrick Olivelle |
Collection of four Sanskrit text on ancient Hindu law. |
OL4310895W |
Smr̥tikālīna Bhāratīya samāja evaṃ saṃskr̥ti
Rājadeva Dube |
Civilization, state, and society in India, 200 B.C.-500 A.D., as portrayed in Yājñavalkyasmr̥ti of Yājñavalkya, classical treatise on Hindu law. |
OL4757307W |
The concept of rājadharma
National Seminar on the Concept of Rājadharma (2003 Karnatak University) |
Contributed research papers presented at a semniar held on 21-23 Feb. 2004 at Karnatak University, Dharwad. |
OL5763313W |
Yājñavalkya. |
Classical verse work, with commentary, on Hindu law. |
OL63708W |
Mitra on Hindu law
Mitra, S. K. advocate. |
cxix, 1488 p. ; 24 cm |
OL7805223W |