Rage, revelry & romance--
Udaya Prakāśa / उदय प्रकाश / Uday Prakash |
Translation of selected short stories of a Hindi author. |
OL1042511W |
Hindi ki pratinidhi kahaniyam
Vatsyayan, Sachchidanand Hiranand, 1911-1987 |
Anthology of Hindi short stories. |
OL11756073W |
Kairiyara, garlafraiṇḍa, aura vidroha
Anuja. |
Stories based on various themes. |
OL13805094W |
Môriśasa kī Hindī kahāniyām̐
Kamala Kiśora Goyanakā |
Anthology by 20th century Hindi authors from Mauritius. |
OL19520605W |
Anupama kahāniyām̐
Yashwant Mande |
Stories based on various themes. |
OL19928365W |
Dhundha ke virūddha
Satīśa Dube |
Stories based on social theme. |
OL19937282W |
Paṅkha hīna
Govinda Upadhyāya |
Stories based on social themes. |
OL19937932W |
Pañjābī kī pratinidhi kahāniyām̐
Mahīpa Siṃha |
Selected stories by various Panjabi authors. |
OL19937933W |
Sīpī meṃ sāgara
Saralā Agravāla |
Stories, based on social themes. |
OL19938847W |
Dafā 604
Apūrva Agravāla |
Selected stories by various Hindi authors on legal matters. |
OL24258874W |
Sādhanā Śrīvāstava-Yogeśa |
Stories based on social theme. |
OL27293562W |
Dādā-dādī kī eka sau eka kahāniyām̐
Reṇu Bhanota,Tīrtha Rāja Bhanota |
Collection of 101 short moral stories. |
OL27693209W |
Eka ghara ho sapanoṃ kā
Mālatī Jośī |
Stories based on social problems in our society. |
OL28166975W |
Mohana Rākeśa kī yādagārī kahāniyāṃ
Mohana Rākeśa |
Selected stories of a Hindi author. |
OL28167788W |
Mārīshas ke afsāne
Aḥmad Iʻjāzuddīn Raḥmat ʻAlī |
Stories on social theme. |
OL28769531W |
Pacāsottarī Hindī kahānī, tīsare ādamī kī avadhāraṇā aura svarūpa
Devecchā. |
Man-woman relationships in the works of post-1950 Hindi women short story writers. |
OL4947694W |