High-Performance Computing
Laurence T Yang |
The state of the art of high-performance computing Prominent researchers from around the world have gathered to present the state-of-the-art techniques and innovations in high-performance computin… |
OL15171569W |
Quantitative quality of service for grid computing
Wei Jie,Lizhe Wang |
"This book provides research into parallel & distributed computing, high performance computing, and Grid computing"--Provided by publisher. |
OL18774321W |
Conductor: Distributed Adaptation for Heterogeneous Networks
Mark D. Yarvis |
Internet heterogeneity is driving a new challenge in application development: adaptive software. Together with the increased Internet capacity and new access technologies, network congestion and the … |
OL19837090W |
GPU Solutions to Multi-scale Problems in Science and Engineering
David A. Yuen |
This book covers the new topic of GPU computing with many applications involved, taken from diverse fields such as networking, seismology, fluid mechanics, nano-materials, data-mining , earthquakes ,… |
OL19853262W |
Heterogeneous Network Quality of Service Systems
Jens Burkhard Schmitt |
Heterogeneous Network Quality of Service Systems will be especially useful for networking professionals and researchers, advanced level students, and other information technology professionals whose … |
OL19855155W |
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '99
Egon Krause |
The book contains reports about the most significant projects from science and engineering of the Federal High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS). They were carefully selected in a peer-re… |
OL19855336W |
Performance Guarantees in Communication Networks
Cheng-Shang Chang |
Providing performance guarantees is one of the most important issues for future telecommunication networks. This book describes theoretical developments in performance guarantees for telecommunicatio… |
OL19893959W |
Scalable High Performance Computing for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Paul Stolorz |
<Em>Scalable High Performance Computing for Knowledge Discovery and Data</em> <em>Mining</em> brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast moving … |
OL19900700W |
High performance computing opportunities and challenges for Army R&D
Anderson, Robert H. |
xx, 53 p. : 28 cm |
OL3339471W |
Petascale Computing
David A. Bader |
Although the highly anticipated petascale computers of the near future will perform at an order of magnitude faster than today's quickest supercomputer, the scaling up of algorithms and applications … |
OL9889197W |