Water quality trends in the Entiat River Watershed
Richard D. Woodsmith |
A large, multiagency effort is underway in the interior Columbia River basin (ICRB) to restore salmon, trout, and char listed as threatened or endangered under the 1973 federal Endangered Species Act… |
OL17014130W |
Where do horses live?
Ron Hirschi |
Brief text and photographs present the places where both wild and domestic horses live. |
OL2009548W |
Conservation assessment of greater sage-grouse and sagebrush habitats
John W. Connelly |
"Population declines of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and alterations and loss of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) have prompted petitions to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list th… |
OL20149590W |
Bird Paradise
Terry J. Jennings |
Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, and feeding habits of various types of birds found in bird parks, including eagles, parrots, peacocks, flamingoes, pelicans, and ostriches. |
OL20462191W |
Fish and wildlife benefits of Farm Bill conservation programs
William R. Rooney,Krista E. M. Galley,Jonathan B. Haufler |
This publication updates the Heard et al. (2000) report, which summarized information concerning wildlife benefits derived from Farm Bill conservation programs. Since that initial report, the best re… |
OL20652496W |
El pingüino
Montse Ganges |
Introduces penguins and their habitat through a series of humorous questions about where they do not live, and provides further information on their appearance, habits, and young, and the various typ… |
OL24262845W |
Biological assessment
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Garnet Resource Area |
"Addresses future management options for approximately 145,660 surface acres and 213,385 acres of federal mineral estate administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) through its Garnet Resourc… |
OL24913896W |
Wildlife habitat & our shared conservation stewardship
United States. Bureau of Land Management |
Over the past several years, western states have been actively engaged in a coordinated effort to develop and share natural resources data with partner agencies, organizations, research institutions,… |
OL24995775W |
Illinois landowner's guide to amphibian conservation
Robert E. Szafoni |
The purpose of this guide is twofold. First, the guide provides a brief overview of the amphibians of Illinois, including aspects of their life histories and distributions. Second, technical guidance… |
OL25069988W |
Tuscarora sagebrush habitat restoration initiative
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Elko District |
"The BLM, Tuscarora Field Office is proposing to restore sagebrush habitat north of Battle Mountain, Nevada. The project includes a variety of treatments to restore areas that have endured catastroph… |
OL26455688W |
Le naufrage de Noé
Diane Ackerman |
L'auteure, poète et essayiste, relate des expéditions qui l'ont conduite aux quatre coins du monde, sur les traces d'espèces en danger : phoques moines d'Hawaii, singes-lions du Brésil, albatros à qu… |
OL28941922W |
Night of the spadefoot toads
Bill Harley |
When his family moves from Tucson, Arizona to Massachusetts, fifth-grader Ben has a hard time leaving the desert he loves, but when he finds a kindred spirit in his science teacher and ends up trying… |
OL2989145W |
A safe home for manatees
Priscilla Belz Jenkins |
Describes the disappearing habitat of the Florida manatee as an introduction to the idea that each animal needs a specific place to live. |
OL3236445W |
Wonders of rattlesnakes
G. Earl Chace |
Introduces the physical characteristics, habits, and environment of various kinds of rattlesnakes with emphasis on the prairie rattler. Also discusses myths about this reptile and precautions to take… |
OL5359791W |