Taken from the Paradise Isle
George Hoshida |
"Crafted from George Hoshida's diary and memoir, as well as letters faithfully exchanged with his wife Tamae, Taken from the Paradise Isle is an intimate account of the anger, resignation, philosophy… |
OL19627077W |
The bonanza king
Gregory Crouch |
Traces the rags-to-riches frontier story of Irish immigrant John Mackay, describing how in mid-nineteenth-century Nevada he outmaneuvered the pernicious "Bank Ring" monopoly and thousands of rivals t… |
OL19745242W |
Making the White Man's West
Jason E. Pierce |
In the early nineteenth century, critics like Zebulon Pike and Washington Irving viewed the West as a ?dumping ground? for free blacks and Native Americans, a place where they could be segregated fro… |
OL20930399W |