Sharpe's sword
Bernard Cornwell,Frederick Davidson |
Having forced their way into spain in 1812, the british plan a battle that will be more decisive then any that has gone on before during the fight in spain in terms of strategic effects. Meanwhile ca… |
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Atlas des guerres napoléoniennes
Gunther Erich Rothenberg |
Cette étude de vulgarisation, agrémentée d'une importante iconographie, présente de façon détaillée les campagnes menées d'abord par Bonaparte, puis par l'empereur Napoléon Ier, de 1796 à 1815. |
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The duke's undoing
G. G. Vandagriff |
Meet the Duke of Ruisdell, the unlikely hero of this traditional Regency Romance, after the manner of Georgette Heyer and Candice Hern. The duke has just returned wounded from the Napoleonic wars. He… |
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Historia Secreta del Clavel Carmesi / The Secret History of the Pink Carnation
Lauren Willig |
Nothing goes right for Eloise. The one day she wears her new suede boots, it rains cats and dogs. When the subway stops short, she's always the one thrown into some stranger's lap. Plus, she's had… |
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Captain Hornblower
C. S. Forester |
"Hornblower and the Atropos" skippering the flagship for Nelson's funeral on the Thames is not Hornblower's idea of thrilling action. But soon his orders come, and he sets sail for the Mediterranean … |
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