Closing chapters
Thomas G. Welsh |
"Closing Chapters attempts to explain the disintegration of urban parochial schools in Youngstown, Ohio, a onetime industrial center that lost all but one of its eighteen Catholic parochial elementar… |
OL16134594W |
For the good of the earth and sun
Georgia Heard |
Presents a method for teaching poetry at all educational levels, designed to help both student and teacher feel more comfortable with poetry, and provides examples primarily from elementary classroom… |
OL1922851W |
Journey of discovery
Ann M. Courtney,Theresa L. Abodeeb |
This is the story of a "journey of discovery" that took place for more than 5 years in a second-grade classroom. The authors' research study revealed how classroom literacy practices affect students'… |
OL20144396W |
Character education
Leigh Ann Anderson,Donald R. Glover |
Combines character education and physical education in forty-three community-building fitness activities that meet NASPE standards, and includes reproducible forms for portfolio assessment. |
OL20208126W |
Reading and writing nonfiction genres
Lee Karnowski,Kathleen Buss |
Offers guidance to teachers who want to introduce their elementary students to nonfiction writing, discussing the genres of recount, procedural, informational, and persuasive, and including student w… |
OL20479914W |
Das große Spiel- und Spaßbuch Englisch
Thomas Wolff,Marie Hübner |
Lieder, Reime, kurze Witze, Wissenswertes über Land und Leute, kleine traditionelle Rezepte, Malen nach Zahlen, Bastelspaß und vieles mehr findet sich in unserem Spiel- und Spaßbuch. Ziel ist die spi… |
OL26438279W |
Teaching children foreign languages
Mary Bonomo Finocchiaro |
Some administrators and citizens still question the advisability of offering a second language to children. FLES should no longer be considered in the experimental stage. This book is directed primar… |
OL4794152W |