Elite accomodation in Canadian politics
Presthus, Robert Vance |
Originally published in 1973, the main objectives of this study were to bring together a comprehensive amount of empirical information on the structure and process of interest groups and the nature o… |
OL13354212W |
Advocacy organizations and collective action
Aseem Prakash |
"Advocacy organizations are viewed as actors motivated primarily by principled beliefs. This volume outlines a new agenda for the study of advocacy organizations, proposing a model of NGOs as collect… |
OL15457173W |
Encyclopedia of interest groups and lobbyists in the United States
Immanuel Ness |
Provides information about a variety of organizations, arranged alphabetically within such groupings as Agriculture, Environmental, Health, Labor, and Political, Ideological and Religious. |
OL1877937W |
Pressure groups in British politics
W. N. Coxall |
"Pressure Groups in British Politics provides an appraisal of an increasingly important area of politics in Britain. Beginning with a definition of pressure groups and an examination of their histori… |
OL2715886W |