Maps and legends
Michael Chabon |
A series of linked essays in praise of reading and writing, with subjects running from ghost stories to comic books, Sherlock Holmes to Cormac McCarthy. Throughout, Chabon energetically argues for a … |
OL119433W |
Grenzen von Netzwerken
Roger Häußling |
Während Systeme aufgrund ihrer Selbstreferenzialität über klare Grenzen verfügen, wird in der Netzwerkforschung noch kontrovers über den Status von Netzwerkgrenzen diskutiert. Als dynamische, mit Zen… |
OL19853521W |
Borderlands/La Frontera
Gloria E. Anzaldúa |
"Rooted in Gloria Anzaldúa's experience as a Chicana, a lesbian, an activist, and a writer, the essays and poems in this volume challenge how we think about identity. Borderlands/La Frontera remaps … |
OL61326W |
The Americas
Pascal Girot |
The Americas offers a wide-ranging and original interpretaion of matters relating to territory, boundaries and societies in the American continent. |
OL8091608W |
Drawing The Line
Juliet Fall |
xii, 325 p. : 24 cm |
OL9157629W |