Heretical Hellenism
Shanyn Fiske |
"The prevailing assumption regarding the Victorians' relationship to ancient Greece is that Greek knowledge constituted an exclusive discourse within elite male domains. Heretical Hellenism: Women Wr… |
OL11938188W |
La Parola Formativa
Elsa Maria Bruni |
Il viaggio attaverso la civiltà greca percorre inevitabilmente i sentieri della oralità quale dimensione della comunicazione e dell'educazione. Di qui, la necessità di considerare la forte incidenza … |
OL16610191W |
Politische Geschichte (Provinzen und Randvölker: Mesopotamien, Armenien, Iran, Südarabien, Rom und …
Hildegard Temporini,Wolfgang Haase |
2 volumes : 25 cm |
OL18820010W |
Light from the Gentiles
Abraham J. Malherbe |
Rather than viewing the Graeco-Roman world as the "background" against which early Christian texts should be read, Abraham J. Malherbe saw the ancient Mediterranean world as a rich ecology of diverse… |
OL20957469W |
The gospels and Homer
Dennis Ronald MacDonald |
"In The Gospels and Homer MacDonald leads readers through Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, highlighting models that the authors of the Gospel of Mark and Luke-Acts may have imitated for their portra… |
OL20973696W |
Erôs and the Polis
Ed Sanders |
Arising out of a conference on ‘Erôs in Ancient Greece’, the articles in this volume share a historicizing approach to the conventions and expectations of erôs in the context of the polis, in the Arc… |
OL23498641W |
Greek Literature and the Roman Empire
Tim Whitmarsh |
xiv, 377 p. ; 22 cm |
OL6030703W |
Plutarch |
The Moralia of the 1st-century Greek scholar Plutarch of Chaeronea is an eclectic collection of 78 essays and transcribed speeches. They provide insights into Roman and Greek life, but often are also… |
OL723491W |
Simone Weil's Apologetic Use of Literature
Marie Cabaud Meaney |
Marie Cabaud Meaney looks at Simone Weil's Christological interpretations of the Sophoclean Antigone and Electra, the Iliad and Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound. Apart from her article on the Iliad, Weil'… |
OL9332293W |
The Cast of Character
Nancy Worman |
"Well before Aristotle's Rhetoric elucidated the elements of verbal style that give writing its persuasive power, Greek poets and prose authors understood the importance of style in creating compelli… |
OL9380112W |