The Jesus legend
George Albert Wells |
Did Jesus actually exist as a historical personage roughly corresponding to the various stories given in the four New Testament gospels and other Christian documents? Was he really born in Bethlehem … |
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The Quest Of The Hermeneutical Jesus The Impact Of Hermeneutics On The Jesus Research Of John Domin…
Robert B. Stewart |
"The Quest of the Hermeneutical Jesus is a study in how reading documents referring to Jesus influences conclusions as to who Jesus was as a figure in history. In this book, author Robert B. Stewart … |
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Born of a virgin?
Andrew T. Lincoln |
" ... Begins by discussing why the virgin birth is such as difficult and divisive topic. The book then deals with a whole range of issues--literary, historical, and hermeneutical--from a critical yet… |
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Aposynagōgos and the historical Jesus in John
Jonathan Bernier |
In 'Aposynagogos and the Historical Jesus in John', Jonathan Bernier utilizes the critical-realist hermeneutics developed by Bernard Lonergan and Ben F. Meyer to survey historical data relevant to th… |
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Deconstructing Jesus
Robert M. Price |
From the Inside Flap
In *Deconstructing Jesus*, author Robert M. Price argues that liberal Protestant scholars who produce reconstructions of the "historical Jesus" are, as Albert Schweitzer point… |
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Appointment in Jerusalem
Max I. Dimont |
An interesting but ultimately unsatisfying introduction to some disparate scholarly theories about the historical Jesus. Dimont (The Jews in America, 1978, etc.) argues that modern scholarship has au… |
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