Heike Hohlbein,Wolfgang Hohlbein |
Der Sturm tobt über Midgard, die Wölfe schleichen heulend um das einsame Haus und die Küste erzittert unter der Brandung des Ozeans. Staunend und ungläubig hört der Knabe Lif zu, als die alte Skalla … |
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The Faber book of northern legends
Howard, Alan,Kevin Crossley-Holland |
Includes twenty-two tales drawn from Norse mythology, Germanic heroic legends, and Icelandic sagas. |
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Myths of northern lands
H. A. Guerber |
The aim of this handbook of Northern mythology is to familiarize the English student of letters with the religion of his heathen ancestors, and to set forth, as clearly as possible, the various myths… |
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Bernard Evslin |
Recounts the myth of Fafnir, the shape-shifting ogre whose thirst for destruction led him into a violent confrontation with the Germanic hero Siegfried. |
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Ring of power
Jean Shinoda Bolen |
Jungian analyst Jean Bolen's vivid grasp of the story and characters in Wagner's mythic four opera cycle, The Ring of Nibelung. |
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