How people live
Penelope Arlon |
Describes different parts of the world and how people live in each, from the Eskimos and Inuit of the Arctic to the Amish and Maya of North America and the Asante and Zulu of Africa |
OL12060666W |
Géographie de l'Amérique latine
Nathalie Gravel |
xxviii, 339 p. : 23 cm |
OL18560855W |
Why geography matters
Harm J. de Blij |
"Preparing for climate change, averting a cold war with China, defeating terrorism: all of this requires geographic knowledge. In Why Geography Matters, Harm de Blij makes an urgent call to restore g… |
OL1942096W |
Handbook of cultural geography
Kay Anderson |
Presenting a state-of-the-art assessment of the key questions informing cultural geography in the 21st century, this handbook emphasises the intellectual diversity of the discipline and is cross-refe… |
OL19809167W |
Introducing social geographies
Rachel Pain |
This major new text offers a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to this important area of human geography. It presents a broad overview of the topic, clearly outlining the key theoretical and … |
OL19858822W |
Introducing human geographies
Paul Cloke,Mark Goodwin,Philip Crang |
The second edition of this text has been thoroughly revised and updated to build upon the success of the first. Now in full colour with 16 new chapters, discussion points and glossary definitions in … |
OL22125488W |
Prehistoric America
Betty Jane Meggers |
"Based on the chapter entitled Prehistoric New World cultural development, which is included in volume III of the History of mankind: cultural and scientific development." |
OL2300464W |
Économie urbaine et régionale
Mario Polèse |
«Ce livre d'initiation à la géographie économique (4e édition), à la fois manuel et texte de réflexion, propose une vision renouvelée de la relation entre développement et dynamique des territoires, … |
OL24180045W |
Explorations in social geography
H.C. Kariel,P.E. Kariel |
For introductory courses in human, cultural, or social geography. |
OL24264020W |
Geographies of development
Robert B. Potter |
Taking an holistic approach to development geography, rather than dealing with topics such as agriculture, trade and aid separately, this text considers pressing issues like sustainable development. … |
OL24827956W |
Sports geography
John Bale |
'Space' and 'place' are concepts central to both geography and sport. Places, for example, are the means of identifying most sports teams, while sport both affects, and is affected by, the physical e… |
OL3258666W |
Human Geography of the UK
David Graham |
This new core textbook for introductory courses in human geography provides first- and second-year undergraduates with a comprehensive thematic and regional approach to the changing human geography o… |
OL7857948W |