Cassell's French dictionary
Denis Girard |
French-Canadian terms are included in this French dictionary which also affords a comprehensive coverage of classical literary language. |
OL18026917W |
French picture dictionary
Chris L. Demarest |
Learn basic foreign words such as colors, shapes, numbers and animals. Each word has a picture, a translation and a simple sentence. A beginner's conversation section is also included. |
OL19056958W |
French-English dictionary =
Inc Barron's Educational Series |
Presents a thumb-indexed French-English, English-French bilingual dictionary containing 100,000 words, phrases & examples presented in two sections: American-style English to French & French to Ameri… |
OL20023217W |
Dictionary of business
P. H. Collin |
351, 336 p. ; 21 cm |
OL2106350W |
French and English word book
Katherine Farris |
This delightful French word book contains twenty-one brightly coloured double-page illustrations that highlight everyday objects and situations. Each familiar scenario - at home, my family, my school… |
OL24694257W |
The Cat in the Hat Dictionary (Dr Seuss)
Dr. Seuss |
A colorful and humorous dictionary of alphabetically arranged words and pictures designed to help children learn to read. |
OL261148W |
Dictionary of French Building Terms
Richard Wiles |
This essential dictionary and phrase book includes every term you need to know when buying, maintaining, renovating or building a home in France. Accessible and comprehensive, it includes the technic… |
OL4186513W |
The Oxford School French Dictionary
Jennifer Barnes,Valerie Grundy |
*The Oxford School French Dictionary* will take you through your years of French study, from the first day you start learning French, right through to your exams. Easy to use and easy to understand, … |
OL8011923W |