Paul Cezanne
Mike Venezia |
Describes the life and work of the French Post-Impressionist artist, who tried new ideas in painting to express his love of nature. |
OL106329W |
Claude Monet
Susie Hodge |
Discusses the life, art, and legacy of the artist Claude Monet. Includes a timeline linking the events in his life with world events. |
OL15835334W |
Pablo Picasso
John Beardsley |
Examines the life and work of Picasso, discussing how and why his art looks the way it does and how it relates to the artist. |
OL15838944W |
The age of French impressionism
Art Institute of Chicago. |
This volume highlights more than 100 of the Art Institute of Chicago's masterpieces, from the bold works of Édouard Manet, an important figure in the transition from Realism to Impressionism, to Clau… |
OL15994380W |
Henri Matisse
Jude Welton |
Discusses the life and career of this French artist, describing and giving examples of his work. |
OL16047566W |
Parler à l'âme et au coeur
Xavier Salmon |
On connaît aujourd'hui assez peu Marie Leszczynska. L'épouse de Louis XV s'est effacée aux yeux de l'Histoire devant Madame de Pompadour et Madame Du Barry, les deux maîtresses les plus célèbres du s… |
OL16345320W |
Henri Rousseau
Gotz Adriani,Gorz Adriani |
"Henri Rousseau, called 'Le Douanier' because of his early career with the French customs service, is one of the most important, fascinating and least studied of late nineteenth-century artists. His … |
OL18477845W |
Théodore Géricault |
189 p. 26 cm |
OL2099318W |
The impressionists
David Spence |
Discusses the nineteenth-century French art movement known as Impressionism, focusing on the works of Monet, Renoir, Degas, and Cezanne. |
OL21806173W |
Orientalist Aesthetics
Roger Benjamin |
"Roger Benjamin, drawing on a decade's research in untapped archives, introduced many paintings, posters, miniatures, and panoramas and discovers an art movement closely bound to French colonial expa… |
OL2182359W |
Esprit es-tu là? Les peintres et les voix de l'au-delà
Savine Faupin |
Cet ouvrage révèle l'oeuvre d'une sélection d'artistes spirites autour de trois figures principales de la fin du XIXe siècle et du début du XXe siècle : Augustin Lesage, Victor Simon et Fleury-Joseph… |
OL32338929W |
Paul Cézanne
Connolly, Sean |
Introduces the life and work of Paul Cezanne, discussing his early years, life in Paris, and development as a painter. |
OL443539W |
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Ernest Lloyd Raboff |
A brief biographical sketch of the nineteenth-century artist accompanies examples and discussions of his works. |
OL4970539W |
Henri Rousseau
Ernest Lloyd Raboff |
A brief biography of this French artist accompanies color reproductions and analyses of fifteen of his paintings. |
OL4970548W |
Henri Matisse, 1869-1954
Volkmar Essers |
disability matisse |
OL6248043W |
Andre . Leclerc |
This book presents the life and works of the artist Paul Cézanne within the cultural, social, and political context of his time. One part is devoted to the life and works of the artist, the second pa… |
OL755883W |
The Joy of Life
Margaret Werth |
"The Joy of Life investigates the significance of the idyllic in French painting from the early 1890s to World War I, considering a fascinating series of pastoral, mythic, and utopian landscapes. Res… |
OL8303656W |
La peinture française au XVIIIe siècle
Dominique Jarrassé |
207 p. : 30 cm |
OL9213828W |