The Edge of Chaos
Jak Koke |
Explore the unexplored - enter The Wilds of the Forgotten Realms(R)! On the border of a dangerous, magically unstable area called the Plaguewrought Lands, the leader of a cult seeking the spread of… |
OL14910046W |
The Restless Shore
James P. Davis |
Explore the unexplored - enter The Wilds of the Forgotten Realms(R)! One hundred years ago, the Akanamere was ravaged by the Spellplague, drying the lake and leaving behind a nightmarish landscape … |
OL14951714W |
The Legend of Drizzt Collector's Edition, Book 1
R. A. Salvatore |
This work is an Omnibus containing the following works:
- [Homeland][1]
- [Exile][2]
- [Sojourn][3]
[1]: http://openlibrary.org/works/OL516715W/Homeland
[2]: http://openlibrary.org… |
OL14960752W |
House of serpents
Lisa Smedman |
"Arvin, a young rogue working the humanoid-serpent city of Hlondeth, must fight to stop Sibyl and her puppet organization The Pox from turning all humans into freakish tainted ones--slaves to heartle… |
OL15112021W |
The restless shore
Davis, James P. |
The Mere-That-Was nurses the nightmare children of the Spellplague. Along the dry lake bed, monsters unlike anything in Toril haunt the landscape. From the depths of the wilds, an eerie hymm draws st… |
OL15636200W |
Elminster in hell
Ed Greenwood |
Hell hath such fury.
On the world of his birth he's all but a god, but when an ancient evil banishes him to the depths of the Nine Hells, he's just another lost soul.
Elminster, Sage of Shadowd… |
OL16287764W |
R. A. Salvatore |
Free for the first time in almost one hundred years, Drizzt feels not only relief, but guilt, and this makes him vulnerable to the wiles of the elf Dahlia, his newest companion. |
OL16461584W |
Murder in Halruaa
Richard Meyers |
Darlington Blade is a down on his luck con man who comes upon a well dressed corpse on the outskirts of a remote town. Figuring that he can use the fine attire more than his mortal acquaintance, he a… |
OL16538175W |
Realms of magic
Brian Thomsen,J. Robert King |
An anthology of fantasy tales, featuring the colorful inhabitants of the magical Forgotten Realms, includes stories by such popular authors as Ed Greenwood, Elaine Cunningham, James M. Ward, Jean Rab… |
OL16997252W |
Rise of the King
R. A. Salvatore |
Follows dwarf king Bruenor Battlehammer and his violent feud with the orc kingdom of Many Arrows, as they seek to take advantage of the Sundering chaos. |
OL18202176W |
Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf
R. A. Salvatore,Victor Bevine |
In the evolving world of the Forgotten Realms setting, the Sundering has given way to months of cloud-cloaked darkness, and war rages under that oppressive sky. The orcs have broken a hard-fought tre… |
OL19349109W |
Under the strain of color
Gabriel N. Mendes |
Includes primary source material. |
OL19664054W |
The herald
Ed Greenwood |
"In the 6th and final book of the multi-author Sundering series launched by New York Times best-selling author R.A. Salvatore, Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Forgotten Realms, further chronicles th… |
OL20911305W |
The yellow silk
Don Bassingthwaite |
He told stories... he told even more lies.He told people what they wanted to hear... he told himself he wasn't doing anything wrong.He told the mysterious stranger from Shou Lung that he'd help him..… |
OL3169859W |
The Forgotten Realms Atlas
Karen Wynn Fonstad |
The Forgotten Realms Atlas is an indexed book which contains three-color maps from Forgotten Realms modules and novels. This includes large regional maps, as well as detailed location maps of story/s… |
OL4488058W |
R. A. Salvatore |
The Cleric Quintet is a series of five novels set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. They are written by R. A. Salvatore and follow the stor… |
OL516656W |
R. A. Salvatore |
La extraña y exótica Menzoberranzan, la gran ciudad de la Antípoda Oscura, fundada hace milenios por los elfos oscuros tras su marcha del mundo exterior, es la morada del héroe de "El valle del vient… |
OL516681W |
R. A. Salvatore |
Now in paperback, the third installment in the classic tales of the Legend of Drizzt. When a lone drow emerges from the Underdark into the blinding light of day, the Forgotten Realms world will be ch… |
OL516683W |
Sea of Swords
R. A. Salvatore |
The Legend of Drizzt(R) comes to an end . . . For now! The mighty warhammer Aegis-fang has found its way into the hands of the wicked pirate captain Sheila Kree, and Wulfgar is hot on her trail. When… |
OL516687W |
The Halfling's Gem
R. A. Salvatore |
Join Drizzt Do'Urden, the world's most famous drow elf, on his adventures in the Forgotten Realms!Regis has fallen into the hands of the assassin Artmis Entreri, who is taking him to Calimport to del… |
OL516688W |