What happens when you hurt yourself?
Joy Richardson |
Describes what happens when the body sustains an injury and how it heals itself. |
OL108344W |
Melvin Berger |
Describes in simple scientific detail how the body heals itself when cuts, scratches, and scrapes occur. |
OL15083123W |
Burns and blisters
Alvin Silverstein |
Describes several types of burns, including sunburn; explains how to treat a burn; and what happens to one's skin when it is burned. Also includes a glossary and an annotated list of related Web site… |
OL16031180W |
First aid for you
Rebecca Weber |
Introduces basic first aid procedures. |
OL16046939W |
First aid basics
Rebecca Weber |
"Color photos and simple text describe first aid for cuts, bee stings, choking, and other medical issues"--Provided by publisher. |
OL16134501W |
Baby Medbasics Lifesaving Action Steps at Your Fingertips
Tara Summers Hermann |
62 p. : 17 cm |
OL17567796W |
Issues in sports
Maryann Hudson |
This book in the Issues in Sports series takes a critical look at concussions in sports, providing history and context while also examining key factors in the issue and how it is being addressed. |
OL17903493W |
I have cuts and scrapes
Joanne Mattern |
"Introduces the reader to cuts and scrapes."-- |
OL17904172W |
Rapid rescue
Laura Buller |
Young readers will follow the twists, turns, terrors and daring deeds of a group of brave, quick-thinking Boy Scouts as they employ decisive action and first-aid know-how to help others in need durin… |
OL17933469W |
David H. Hundley |
Discusses the nature, causes, and treatment of bruises, as well as how to avoid them. |
OL1827777W |
Emergency preparedness
Boy Scouts of America. |
Outlines requirements for pursuing a merit badge in emergency preparedness. |
OL1966946W |
Lily Robbins, M.D. (medical dabbler)
Nancy N. Rue |
After witnessing a car accident and helping a boy who was hurt, Lily becomes obsessed with health and medical care, but when she tries to transform the Girlz Only Club into a health class, she learns… |
OL20889244W |
Sports injuries
Sarah Lennard-Brown |
Sports health and safety - Head and face injuries - Chest and torso injuries - Back injuries - Leg and foot injuries - Arm and wrist injuries. |
OL21770258W |
What You Can Do About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Other Repetitive Strain Injuries
Philip Johansson |
What is carpal tunnel syndrome? Who does it affect? How is it treated and how can it be prevented? This text explains a relatively new diagnosis for an old condition, clarifying the difference betwee… |
OL22055146W |
Kids to the rescue!
Maribeth Boelts,Darwin Boelts |
Provides basic instruction in first aid for a variety of accidents and injuries, including nose bleeds, snake bites, and choking, plus information on when and how to call for help. |
OL23789393W |
Medical emergencies in the dental office
Stanley F. Malamed |
Prepares dental professionals to promptly and proactively recognize and manage medical emergencies that may occur in the dental office. It details how to anticipate potential emergencies and what res… |
OL3275993W |
What to do when there's no one but you
Harriet Margolis Gore |
Stories illustrate common first aid problems, from cuts to broken bones, and show step-by-step illustrated instructions for caring for these injuries. |
OL7202859W |