A Well-Regulated Militia
Saul Cornell |
An extensive and nuanced examination of the original meaning of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. No other author probes as deeply into reconstructing and analyzing the thinking of the fra… |
OL15168154W |
Small arms, crime and conflict
Owen Greene |
"This book focuses on the use of small arms in violence and attempts by the state to govern the use and acquisition of these weapons. It is likely that hundreds of thousands of people are killed ever… |
OL15916748W |
Living with guns
Craig R. Whitney |
"America's war over gun control has raged since the 1960s. In 2008, the Supreme Court startled the left by concluding that with the Second Amendment the founders elevated "above all other interests" … |
OL16705392W |
The last gun
Tom Diaz |
Explores how the gun industry has changed and how the nature of gun violence has changed in step with industry trends, and argues that a renewed political effort is necessary.
Explores how the gun i… |
OL17673995W |
District of Columbia v. Heller
Thomas Streissguth |
"A group of private gun-owners claimed new gun control laws passed by the District of Columbia violated their Second Amendment right to bear arms. This book examines the issues leading up to the case… |
OL441666W |
Right to bear arms
Geraldine Woods |
Considers opposing interpretations of the Constitution's Second Amendment and the right to bear arms and presents arguments for and against gun control. Also discusses the history of violent crime in… |
OL58837W |
A good fight
Sarah Brady |
"Sarah Brady's greatest ambition while growing up was to be June Cleaver. She wanted to be a wife and mother, to have a happy, peaceful home filled with the laughter of family and friends, to watch h… |
OL5955883W |