Women & guerilla movements
Karen Kampwirth |
"The revolutionary movements that emerged frequently in Latin America over the past century promoted goals that included overturning dictatorships, confronting economic inequalities, and creating wha… |
OL12060775W |
La reine de bandits
Mala Sen |
L'histoire quasi mythique de Devi Phoolan, cette femme-bandit qui écuma le nord de l'Inde entre 1981 et 1983. Ne s'attaquant qu'aux hautes castes, cette moderne Robin des Bois acquit une grande popul… |
OL22072800W |
In the time of the butterflies
Julia Alvarez |
GradeSaver(TM) ClassicNotes are the ultimate study guides created by Harvard students for students. Each note includes: An author biography -- An in-depth chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis -- A… |
OL29250203W |