A Lone Star cowboy
Charles A. Siringo |
A supplement to Siringo's first book, "A Texas Cowboy". Published thirty-four years later, it expands on and clarifies many things in the first book, as well as adding much new material (both during… |
OL116054W |
Governance, coordination and distribution along commodity value chains
FAO Workshop on Governance, Coordination and Distribution along Commodity Value Chains (2006 Rome, Italy) |
"Significant changes are taking place in the value chain for many agricultural commodities, particularly those fresh products destined for supermarket shelves. The changing patterns of these value c… |
OL11879182W |
Judging livestock, dairy cattle, poultry and crops
Hewitt Gleave Youtz |
xii, 195 p. 24 cm |
OL13311454W |
Farm to fork
Emeril Lagasse |
In this extraordinary new book, Emeril Lagasse continues his lifelong commitment to using fresh, local ingredients in his restaurants and home kitchen. He has spent the past thirty years building clo… |
OL14921862W |
Coconut, the tree of life
Carolyn Meyer |
Discusses the growth, cultivation, processing, and uses of coconuts. Includes thirty coconut recipes. |
OL15267935W |
Don't say a word, mamá =
Joe Hayes |
Sisters Rosa and Blanca are so kind, thoughtful, and generous--and such good gardeners--that their Mamá who lives between the two winds up with a great deal of corn, tomatoes, and red hot chiles. |
OL16564025W |
Methods to analyse agricultural commodity price volatility
Isabelle Piot-Lepetit,Robert M'Barek,John Bensted-Smith |
"This book examines the issue of price volatility in agricultural commodities markets and how this phenomenon has evolved in recent years. The factors underlying the price spike of 2007-08 appear to … |
OL16704313W |
The new Greenmarket cookbook
Gabrielle Langholtz |
Presents recipes from noted chefs, who source their produce from New York's celebrated Greenmarket, that make use of fresh, seasonal produce, divided according to season. |
OL17903618W |
Indian commodity market
Workshop cum Seminar on "Indian Commodity Market Derivatives & Risk Management : the Road Ahead" (2009 Puducherry, India) |
Papers presented at the Workshop cum Seminar on "Indian Commodity Market Derivatives & Risk Management : the Road Ahead", held at Puducherry during 11-12 September 2009. |
OL18751880W |
Indian agricultural marketing
Jagdish Prasad |
Contributed articles. |
OL19454788W |
Minnesota farmers market cookbook
Tricia Cornell |
"Contains more than 80 recipes from local chefs, vendors, and other champions of local, seasonal eating, as well as profiles of market foods and suggestions on how to choose the best, plus maps and a… |
OL19708250W |
Beekman 1802, a seat at the table
Brent Ridge |
255 pages : 27 cm |
OL19715413W |
The broadfork
Hugh Acheson |
Never again feel lost in the farmers' market. Chef, father, and Top Chef judge Hugh Acheson shares 200 ways to get friendly with your produce so you can cook and shop happy.--COVER. |
OL20005572W |
New Jersey fresh
Rachel Weston |
"New Jersey's bounty is ripe for the picking. The state boasts thousands of thriving farms, hundreds of CSAs, dozens of community farmers' markets and countless residents dedicated to the locavore li… |
OL20030990W |
Harvest year
Cris Peterson |
A photographic essay about foods that are harvested year-round in the United States. |
OL2024357W |
From DNA to GM wheat
John Farndon |
Explains the history and development of genetic engineering and the genetic modification of food. |
OL22059176W |
Sarah Elton |
"Strawberries in January, fresh tomatoes year-round and New Zealand lamb at all times - these well-travelled foods have a carbon footprint the size of an SUV. But a burgeoning local food movement is … |
OL24197581W |
Crops on the farm
Ann Larkin Hansen |
Describes the main crops grown in the United States, the soil composition and climate conditions necessary for their growth, the development of hybrids, and the importance of caring for the land. |
OL2621990W |
Kim Thompson |
Caillou découvre les produts locaux. En visitant le marché des fermiers, Caillou prend conscience que certains fruits et légumes ne poussent pas tout près de chez lui. Par exemple, les bananes doiven… |
OL28588246W |
Les produits du marché au Québec
Michèle Serre |
Cet ouvrage célèbre l'abondance et la vitalité du terroire québécois, en présentant dans le détail toute la gamme des produits disponibles sur nos marchés. Qu'il provienne du potager, de la ferme, de… |
OL28595620W |