Adventures in kinship with all life
J. Allen Boone |
Let me read the damn thing and ill tell you |
OL16311928W |
Dogs that know when their owners are coming home and other unexplained powers of animals
Rupert Sheldrake |
Dr Rupert Sheldrake is the world's leading expert in research into the phenomenon of the psychic abilities of domestic animals. In September 1996 he presented the latest results of his studies to a c… |
OL2042880W |
All pets go to heaven
Sylvia Browne |
World-famous psychic, spiritual guide, and #1 "New York Times"--Bestselling author Browne uses her special psychic gift to show readers how pets fit into the afterlife. With 40 years of research and … |
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L'étonnant pouvoir des animaux
Gordon Smith |
Par son travail de médium, Gordon Smith est reconnu à travers le monde pour la transmission de messages précis de la part des êtres décédés. Très souvent, lors de ces transmissions, il n'y a pas que … |
OL27732274W |
Does your pet have a sixth sense?
George Laycock |
Several accounts of amazing feats performed by animals using the "sixth" sense in many different ways including finding their way home across thousands of miles, knowing when a disaster is imminent, … |
OL2979024W |
Poderes Psiquicos De Las Mascotas
Richard Webster |
xvi, 216 p. ; 21 cm |
OL4813566W |
The Language of Animals
Carol Gurney |
A Step-by-Step Program for Communicating With Your Animals The human/animal spiritual connection is a powerful one. In this astounding guide, renowned animal communicator Carol Gurney draws upon fift… |
OL8125658W |