The Divided Self
R. D. Laing |
First published in 1960, this watershed work aimed to make madness comprehensible, and in doing so revolutionized the way we perceive mental illness. Using case studies of patients he had worked with… |
OL145047W |
The emergent self
Peter Philippson |
This book tracks a particular understanding of self, philosophically, from research evidence and its implications for psychotherapy. At each step, the author includes the theory, the clinical implica… |
OL16643038W |
Varoluşçu-Hümanistik Terapi
Kirk J. Schneider,Orah T. Krug |
Varoluşçu-Hümanistik Terapi yaklaşımının amacı nışanların, yaşam içinde başkaları tarafından belirlenen sınırlamalardan kurtularak özgürleşmeleri ve dayatılan ya da katı bir benlik algısıyla şekillen… |
OL26170953W |
Existential-humanistic therapy
Kirk J. Schneider,Orah T. Krug |
**This second edition provides an updated introduction to the theory, history, research, and practice of existential-humanistic therapy, which merges existential philosophy with humanistic psychother… |
OL3484282W |